NANJING, Japan — Former Grand Valley State high jumper Eli Kosiba’s second appearance in a world event yielded strong results last weekend in Japan.
Latest Local News
A Warren County farm and a Benton County farm were recently honored with Hoosier Homestead Awards recently during a ceremony at the Indiana St…
Two Fountain County farms were recognized with the Hoosier Homestead Award recently during a ceremony at the Indiana Statehouse.
The Watseka City Council chamber was filled with people interested in proposed amenities for Lakeview Park in Watseka.
Two mayoral candidates in Watseka answered questions from the public at a forum March 19.
WHEATFIELD — Kankakee Valley Middle School recently announced the recipients of the March Student of the Month awards.
Chalmers, IN — Members of Frontier’s Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter recently attended Indiana BPA’s State Leadership Conferen…
The White County 4-H Goat Club will be meeting in the extension building at the fairgrounds on April 1, 2025 at 6:30 PM EST.
MONTICELLO, Ind. – Annette Eichholz is a proponent of preventative measures and health screenings. She has annual physicals, as well as mammog…
Delphi, Indiana – The historic Wabash & Erie Canal Park is calling on community members to join its dedicated team at a special Volunteer …
Warren County Court Reports
Franciscan Health Lafayette East in conjunction with Safe Kids Greater Lafayette and the Lafayette Family YMCA will be hosting Safe Kids Day o…
The Unit 9 School Board approved several employments at the March 18 meeting.
President Jim Davis called the March 12 meeting of All Aboard Monon to order a 6:00 P.M. and led the pledge to the American flag.
President Deb Vandervort called the March 10 meeting of MCPS to order at 11:03 A.M. and led the pledge to the American flag. Jim Davis moved t…
The following information comes from the White County Jail Records from March 7th — March 16th, 2025. These individuals were booked into the W…
The following people recently were elected to membership into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective colle…
The Homestead Venue was filled with people wanting to learn more from Watseka city candidates on March 19.
Earlier this month, North White’s varsity wrestling team got back to work when
Dear Editor:
The road to recovery is one that is never easy to take, however, with the right support systems and resources available, that road becomes a l…
Indiana marijuana adversaries contend that legislation regulating a similar drug would advance legalization — but a key lawmaker says that’s n…
LAFAYETTE, IN — The Lafayette Symphony Orchestra (LSO) presents This Little Light of Mine, a concert celebrating emerging musical talent, on S…
The current Iroquois County burn ban has been lifted as of March 25.
The Covington Community Foundation, an affiliate of the Western Indiana Community Foundation, is pleased to announce a $1,500 grant to the Cov…
Success starts before the opener: Going out and hoping to kill a bird on opening day without any knowledge of where they are roosting, frequen…
Food insecurity is something that has been affecting many families for quite some time now and while regular food pantries have been doing all…
The Attica Community Foundation, an affiliate of the Western Indiana Community Foundation, is proud to announce a $5,000 grant to Attica Main …