The Faculty of
Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is the historic heart of Harvard University. It is home to the undergraduate program (Harvard College) as well as all of Harvard’s PhD programs (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences).
Background Video of South asian countries and their people

Dean Hopi Hoekstra
Hopi Hoekstra, a pathbreaking scholar of the life sciences leads the Faculty of Arts and Sciences as the Edgerley Family Dean.
Learn more about Dean Hoekstra and read her latest messages to the FAS community.

News & Announcements
Read the latest news and announcements from the FAS.

Department and Program Directory
The FAS’s 40 academic departments and 30+ centers support a community unparalleled in its academic excellence across the broadest range of liberal arts and sciences disciplines.
Support the FAS
The ideas that change the world happen at Harvard. Through its long history of research, teaching, collaboration, innovation, and truth-seeking, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is positioned to solve problems in ways others cannot. And although we face a new and unexpected future with urgent demands, the FAS has always seen challenges as opportunities.