Charlotte Pride’s Reel Out LGBTQ film festival is back

Opening night features film trivia party hosted by drag performers, followed by evening of film shorts

These days, living in our post pandemic world and with the way cultural participation has evolved, it often seems challenging to convince friends and acquaintances to step out for a big night of fun. Sometimes it seems practically impossible to convince friends to barely step foot outside of their door! If ever there was a…


qnotes democracy

With Michele Morrow, it won’t be a brighter tomorrow for North Carolina schools

The North Carolina Constitution guarantees residents’ rights to a free public education, stating “The General Assembly shall provide by taxation and otherwise for a general and uniform system of free public schools, which shall be maintained at least nine months in every year, and wherein equal opportunities shall be provided for all students.” The public…


South Carolina superintendent says schools should ignore new Title IX protections for trans students

The South Carolina superintendent of education recommended ignoring new federal protections expanding the definition of sex discrimination under Title IX to protect queer, trans and gender-nonconforming students. In addition, the superintendent also stated she believed once the rules go into effect August 1, they will most likely be challenged in court. President Biden’s administration announced…


New data: LGBTQ+ Community continues to face financial challenges compared to hetero peers

On April 3, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC), the educational arm of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights organization, released a report in partnership with Community Marketing & Insights featuring data collected from 1,899 LGBTQ+ adults (age 18 and older) in the United States. The report, which comes…

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