High Plains regional news
Kansas artists and cultural organizations would be stripped of state grants if the Kansas Legislature adopts a Senate-approved budget, which entirely eliminates funding the Kansas Arts Commission. The impact would be felt even harder in smaller and rural communities.
Next step will be action in the state House, where budget writers have different plans for distributing property tax help.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health reports these cases are among unvaccinated individuals in northeastern Oklahoma.
Oklahoma schools could be required to show students a fetal development video — such as a prominent one produced by an anti-abortion activism group.
The ruling comes just weeks after a federal lawsuit was filed in an effort to block the school’s ban on drag shows.
Happenings across the High Plains
Regional Features
Hkim243, Richard R. Abidin, EdD., CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons/Hello! This is Michelle Reid from Dodge City. I’m the librarian at Dodge City High School, and I serve on the Dodge City Public Library Board of Trustees. I’m here to talk about one of the spring Radio Readers Book Club choices, the book What’s So Funny? A Cartoonist’s Memoir, by David Sipress.
Austin Marshall, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons/Hello. I’m Bob Seay, author of the book Dad, and this is the HPPR Radio Readers Book Club.Books, especially a book like What’s So Funny: A Cartoonist’s Memoir by David Sipress, are both windows and mirrors.
Getting into gardening might seem expensive, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, you can use some of the leftovers from food you buy to grow MORE food. This week, we'll talk about how to raise your own grub, and maybe even lower your grocery bills!
This week Classical Music Amarillo is playing music by Chicago-based composer Marc Mellits!
NPR Top Stories
The news of the leak of life-and-death operational details to a reporter lands differently with veterans and active-duty troops, who can be prosecuted for much less significant "spillage" incidents.
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