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Sat May 25 2024 (Updated 05/26/24)
Google Conference Blocked in Support of Palestinians
Through products like Project Nimbus, Google profits directly by enhancing Israeli surveillance and control over Palestinians. Recent reporting shows Google signed a deal with the Ministry of Defense. On May 14, pro-Palestinian protesters rallied near the entrance to Google’s annual developer conference, many chaining themselves together. Thousands of attendees waiting to enter the Google event were delayed and had to be redirected.
Students at UCB, Cal Poly Humboldt, Stanford, Sonoma State, SF State, Sacramento State, USF, UCSC and UCD joined students at colleges throughout the country to establish occupations in support of Palestinians. Outrage at Israel's attempted genocide in Gaza has produced a movement of encampments at Harvard, Columbia, Yale, MIT, NYU, UT Austin, and more. Police have arrested hundreds, and yet the protests persist and expand.
Wed May 8 2024 (Updated 06/02/24)
Extreme Logging Planned for Plumas National Forest
As of March 2024, 894,898 acres across the western United States are slated to be logged under a "community protection" measure proposed by the U.S. Forest Service. Resistance is growing. In addition to a lawsuit filed against the agency by a coalition in California, a National Day of Forest-Climate Action will take place on May 28, and the group Lost Sierra Forest Defense is organizing a Climate Action Camp in Plumas County from May 23-29.
Sun Apr 28 2024 (Updated 05/20/24)
Bay Area Shuts it Down on May Day
May Day actions this year were organized with urgency in solidarity with the Palestinian people, heeding the call from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions to stand with Gaza. Workers and peoples around the world called for an immediate ceasefire. Marches and rallies filled the streets across Northern California on May 1, and there was no business as usual at the Port of Oakland as officials closed the port in anticipation of planned protests.
Mon May 13 2024 (Updated 05/20/24)
Young People Reclaim Earth Day
From April 19-22, thousands of young people from across Northern California took part in multiple national days of action calling on President Biden and other decision makers to declare a Climate Emergency and End Fossil Fuels. In San Francisco, Youth Vs. Apocalypse's annual youth-led Earth Day action centered intersectional demands around uplifting Palestine, Sudan, and Congo, countries suffering violence due to western imperialism.
Mon May 13 2024 (Updated 05/20/24)
REI Workers in Santa Cruz Vote to Form Union
On April 18, workers at the REI store in Santa Cruz voted 32-12 in favor of forming a union. The workers filed for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board on March 14, at which time they announced their intent to join United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) Local 5. The Santa Cruz REI store is the second REI location in the Bay Area to unionize, and the tenth nationwide.
A coalition has filed a lawsuit challenging the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner’s repeat rubberstamping of applications to use highly toxic and legally restricted pesticides, including chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D), near three schools in the Pajaro Valley of Monterey County. The young students suffer some of the highest exposure to fumigants in the state.
After years of prayers and protests, the struggle to protect the West Berkeley Shellmound Sacred Site has prevailed. On March 12, the Berkeley City Council approved a global settlement with the owners of the Shellmound village site and adopted an ordinance giving title of the land to the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust. The deal results in what Ohlone tribal leaders describe as one of the most significant urban land back victories in United States history.
Wed Mar 20 2024 (Updated 03/25/24)
Indybay Beats Back Illegal Search Warrant and Gag Order
On January 24, SFPD served a search warrant on Indybay, seeking identifying information about the author of a communiqué. The warrant included a non-disclosure order. After pushback from Electronic Frontier Foundation attorneys, SFPD agreed to take no further action on the warrant. Indybay and EFF then filed a motion to quash the warrant and vacate the gag order. On March 7, the gag order was vacated and the warrant was confirmed void.
On January 20, thousands traveled to San Francisco to protest the continued availability of abortion. Lacking local support, the Catholic Church hires dozens of busses to transport their flock for the Walk for Life annually. As in previous years, their event this year attracted members of hate groups, with some giving nazi salutes. Counter-protesters assembled in front the San Francisco Public Library to confront marchers as they passed.
Wed Jan 10 2024 (Updated 04/28/24)
UC Berkeley Moves to Kill People's Park Forever
Even as a case awaits a California Supreme Court decision regarding student housing UC Berkeley intends to build on the land, the university went in for the kill on People's Park shortly before midnight on January 3, sending in hundreds of police to clear the park and to make way for a wall of shipping containers. Protesters were ready for the raid, but police closed nearby streets to prevent more from coming to defend the park. Several demonstrators were arrested.
Protesters in Northern California have engaged in direct actions aimed at disrupting business as usual and raising the profile of the call to free Palestine. Activists shut down the Bay Bridge. A US military vessel destined to deliver weaponry to Israel was blocked from leaving the Port of Oakland. A defense contractor's office was locked down. Communiqués posted on Indybay claim sabotage of train lines, as well as a water main at a pro-IDF fundraiser.
Millions of people worldwide are standing in solidarity with Palestinians as Israel wages war on Gaza. Marches and rallies have demanded a ceasefire, the end of US military support for Israel, and that Palestine be freed once and for all. Every week there are more protests in cities large and small, including in many that have never seen a pro-Palestinian demonstration. In San Francisco, tens of thousands have marched against Israel's war on Gaza.
Sat Nov 18 2023 (Updated 11/23/23)
Massive Opposition to APEC Summit
As billionaires and politicians met behind ten-foot-high metal walls, tens of thousands of demonstrators protested outside. Member nations of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit claim to have "Inclusive, Collaborative Solutions for Just Transitions," but opponents call this greenwashing and maintain that years of corporate neoliberalism are responsible for economic inequality, oppression, the climate crisis, and war.
Tue Oct 31 2023 (Updated 12/12/23)
Israel Decimates Gaza, Nearly 2M Palestinians Displaced
Over 1.7 million Palestinians have been displaced and face serious malnutrition and dehydration. Nearly 15,000 have been killed, a third of whom are children. Around 50% of all residential housing in the strip has been destroyed. Israel has killed over 200 medical and aid workers, and 65 journalists. It has bombed and raided hospitals, schools, UN facilities, and more, allowing in barely enough supplies to keep the population from starving to death.
At sunrise on October 19, youth climate activists associated with the group Occupy Beale gave a speech decrying the imperialist military-industrial complex, responsible for countless ecological atrocities, energy consumption, and carbon emissions. Four activists, banners in hand, then marched across the demarcation line at the Schneider gate of Beale Air Force Base. Military police detained three of them for over an hour.
Tue Oct 17 2023 (Updated 10/21/23)
No to Cop Campus
The city of San Pablo plans on building a new police headquarters and training facility. The Stop Cop Campus Coalition intends to prevent the new facility from being constructed, arguing such huge amounts of money would be better spent meeting the needs of city residents rather than policing them. On September 30, their second protest was held with a march down the middle of San Pablo Avenue to the site of the proposed "Cop Campus."
The newly-formed Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) will hold its inaugural bicoastal conference, Battling the “IHRA Definition”: Theory & Activism, on October 13-14. Through the lens of research on structural racism, state violence, and social justice movements, the conference will analyze political campaigns that seek to codify the “IHRA definition” of antisemitism, and efforts to oppose IHRA policies.
On September 16, thousands rallied and marched in Sacramento in solidarity with New York City's massive March to End Fossil Fuels. Starting with colorful rallies in Sacramento's Old Town, protesters marched to the Tower Bridge and displayed a huge banner demanding an end of fossil fuel use. Sign bearing kayakers in the river joined in. Smaller demonstrations happened in Palo Alto and other cities.
Women’s Declaration International held a conference in San Francisco the weekend of September 16. Their mission is to attack what they call "gender ideology" and they align with ultra-conservative groups including Christian nationalists and Republican politicians to enshrine bigotry into law and otherwise further marginalize transgender folks. LGBTQ+ rights activists rose up in opposition with several rounds of protests and counter-protests.
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05/25/24 Demonstrators Denounce Tech Giant's Contracts with Israeli Military frontpage | antiwar | peninsula | us | international | palestine05/13/24 Actions Call on Biden to Declare a Climate Emergency and End Fossil Fuels frontpage | environment | global-justice | education | sf | peninsula | california | us | palestine05/08/24 Resistance to Deceptive Forest Service Measure is Growing frontpage | environment | central-valley | california | us05/08/24 Regulators Fail to Protect Schoolchildren from Repeated Exposure to Dangerous Pesticides frontpage | environment | race | health-housing | labor | education | santa-cruz04/24/24 Across the Globe, Students Set Up Encampments in Solidarity with Palestinians frontpage | antiwar | education | central-valley | sf | south-bay | east-bay | peninsula | north-bay | north-coast | california | us | international | palestine | santa-cruz04/09/24 Deal Described as One of the Most Significant Urban Land Back Victories in US History frontpage | environment | race | east-bay03/20/24 Victory! EFF Helps Indybay Resist San Francisco Police Warrant and Gag Order frontpage | police | media | sf02/09/24 Catholic Anti-Choice Marchers Get an Earful from Abortion Rights Activists in San Francisco frontpage | health-housing | womyn | sf | south-bay | us01/10/24 Wall of Shipping Containers Intended to Keep the Public Out of People's Park frontpage | police | environment | global-justice | education | east-bay | california12/08/23 Largest Ever Pro-Palestine Marches in NorCal Demand End to US Aid for Israel's War on Gaza frontpage | antiwar | central-valley | sf | south-bay | peninsula | us | international | palestine | santa-cruz10/31/23 Three Activists Detained at Climate Protest for Crossing Beale Air Force Base Gate frontpage | environment | antiwar | central-valley | california | us
image icon Petition: Demand Panetta Take Action For Palestine Do the right thing, Jimmy! Posted: Sun Jun 2nd 10:23am
image icon Pray-In for Gaza at Senator Padilla’s Office Calls for Peace Phil Pasquini Posted: Sat Jun 1st 1:16pm
image icon Faith Leaders Fast and March for Gaza Leon Kunstenaar Posted: Sat Jun 1st 12:30pm
image icon A Response to "Hind's House is Wateen's House is Ahmed's House is Mahmoud's House..." some fxing people (1 comment) Posted: Fri May 31st 4:40pm
image icon Riot Cops Destroy UCSC's Gaza Solidarity Encampment and Arrest Dozens of Students Alex Darocy (2 comments) Posted: Fri May 31st 3:42pm
image icon Protest in Shopping-land Leon Kunstenaar Posted: Thu May 30th 9:34am
image icon Plunder of Palestine by CHEVRON Must End DemocracyNow via IndyRadio Posted: Thu May 30th 8:47am
document icon Flyers Passed Out Recently at the Saturday Food Not Bombs "Soupstock" Anniversary Robert Norse (1 comment) Posted: Wed May 29th 10:52pm
image icon Aaron R. Aarons 1940 -- 2024 G.G. Wasserman Posted: Wed May 29th 2:38pm
document icon A Larry Bensky Tribute and Memorial Lynda Carson (1 comment) Posted: Tue May 28th 7:31pm
article icon Hard Times Ahead for UC Davis Facilities Management anonymous Posted: Tue May 28th 5:18pm
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