39.1 F
Monday, March 24, 2025



Chaos Will Be The Boss

“When people let an alligator rule, it will smile at you while biting off your leg.” Efal Revillot, 18th century essayist.      America, get ready...



FUNdraising Good Times

Some of us have a tendency to do it alone. There’s a sense of triumph that accompanies the phrase “I did that.” But doing...

Terri L. Parker


Marriage Requires Agreement in at Least 3 Areas

(ThyBlackMan.com) The willingness to compromise is a great asset to a relationship. In marriage it ends fights before they can begin. However, there are some areas whereby...

let's Celebrate




    “When a nation has a fool for its leader, mockers and the scornful dance in the daylight without fear of rebuke.” Efal Revillot,...

Chaos Will Be The Boss

“When people let an alligator rule, it will smile at you while biting off your leg.” Efal Revillot, 18th century essayist.      America, get ready...

Federal Appeals Court Blocks Student Loan Forgiveness, Denying Relief to Millions of Borrowers

By Charlene Crowell TriceEdneyWire.com) - Higher education is believed by many to be a bridge to a financially secure future. But for the more than...

America’s Anti-Immigrant Past Never Died by David W. Marshall

(TriceEdneyWire.com) - The Statue of Liberty stands proudly in Upper New York Bay as a symbol of freedom and a welcoming beacon to the...

Stupid is as Stupid Does. C’mon people!

By Jim Clingman In March of 2018, after 25 years of doing so, I submitted my final Blackonomics column to the members of the National...


Pastoral birthday/anniversary celebrated at the Cross Church for their Pastor Michael Prince

By Journal Staff Writer The members at the Cross Church, 2025 Airport Hwy, had two reasons to be happy on Sunday March 13. The first...

Must Read


"I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can’t say — I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger" ~ Harriet Tubman at a suffrage convention, NY, 1896

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