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   Both America and Israel can’t and should never   allow any of its enemies, especially weak unsophisticated ones, to launch a surprise attack killing thousands of its citizens. They must be ever so cognizant of how their own foreign policies and suppressive tactics create an endless slate of enemies. Regrettably, failure to prevent such attacks gives rise to the scourge of deadly vengeance.

     It was much more than a political assessment when I declared 15 months ago that “we know Joe, and most importantly, Joe knows us.” Joe Biden is succeeding because of he understands the needs and aspirations of the American people. His bold and inclusive initiatives are restoring the faith of those who have been hardest hit by the current health and economic crises and raising the hopes of those who had already been hard hit by injustices in our society long before these crises struck. 

   During the early Civil Rights Movement when women worked behind the scenes, her quiet power brought wisdom and a social worker’s perspective to deliberations and strategies of the “Big Six” civil rights leaders. With an understanding of the importance of power of location, she purchased a building in Washington, D.C. between the White House and the Capitol, the only African American-owned building along that corridor of power.

  We’re all familiar with the popular proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” As a 21st century society, this still holds true, literally and figuratively. For non-millennials, who grew up in a vastly different era, there is a nostalgic mindset that a diverse community of inspiring people interacting with children has a positive and sustained life-changing impact on their developme

Black Legislators political power that Black state legislators never had before and may never have again!