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Some 34 people have been brought to North Dakota via the state's workforce recruitment campaign since June 2022.
The change will better address an under-met community need for a safe place for people to sober up, officials say.
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Many of the changes are on pause until senators can get more information from USPS about what, exactly, the changes mean.
Hyslop at Memorial Village saw its first tenants move into the building on May 1.


StormTracker Weather


Cloudy skies continuing through the afternoon
An old folk name for this type of cloud formation is "mare's tails."
You are approximately 300 times more likely to die in a car crash than in a tornado.
Painter Lynae Hanson of Bismarck will be at Turtle River State Park west of Grand Forks from Aug. 12-19, 2024.  
The Spirit Lake Tribe will receive $167,875 for the construction of an outdoor recreation support building. The Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa will receive $86,750 for development of Heritage Park.
White, a former athlete and Black Lives Matter activist turned right-wing media darling and Republican candidate, won the endorsement at the Minnesota GOP convention Saturday.


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