Condensed Matter

High-precision quantum gates with diamond spin qubits achieve error rate below 0.1%

Researchers at QuTech, in collaboration with Fujitsu and Element Six, have demonstrated a complete set of quantum gates with error probabilities below 0.1%. While many challenges remain, being able to perform basic gate operations ...

Earth Sciences

Modeling the past and future of Antarctica's Aurora Subglacial Basin water flow

A pair of researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada, working with a colleague from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in the U.S., have created a model to visualize how water flows in Antarctica's Aurora Subglacial ...

Healthy eating in midlife linked to overall healthy aging

Maintaining a healthy diet rich in plant-based foods, with low to moderate intake of healthy animal-based foods and lower intake of ultra-processed foods, is linked to a higher likelihood of healthy aging—defined as reaching ...

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Tech Xplore

Engineers redefine how heat transfers on advanced surfaces

When University of Texas at Dallas researchers tested a new surface that they designed to collect and remove condensates rapidly, the results surprised them. The mechanical engineers' design collected more condensates, or ...

AI reshapes how we observe the stars

AI tools are transforming how we observe the world around us—and even the stars beyond. Recently, an international team proved that deep learning techniques and large language models can help astronomers classify stars ...

Could bullying be an evolutionary trait?

Bullying is a serious problem that impacts hundreds of millions of young people across the world each year. Defined as the goal-directed, harmful abuse of a power imbalance, bullying can cause serious, long-term physical ...

Shocking spherules on Mars

Last week, the Perseverance Science Team were astonished by a strange rock comprised of hundreds of millimeter-sized spheres… and the team are now working hard to understand their origin.

Hot streaks boost productivity, study shows

If you're an employer looking to improve your team's performance, it might be a better idea to offer "streak incentives" rather than single payouts as a reward, according to a new University of Alberta study.

Team discovers 'dark oxygen' on the seafloor

Children are always asking "Why?" As they experience things for the first time, it's natural to want to find out more. But as children grow into adults, they often dismiss something new that challenges their experience and ...

Triggering parasitic plant 'suicide' to help farmers

Parasitic weeds are ruthless freeloaders, stealing nutrients from crops and devastating harvests. But what if farmers could trick these invaders into self-destructing? Scientists at UC Riverside think they've found a way.