
Ancient parasitic 'Venus flytrap' wasp preserved in amber reveals parasitoid strategies

An extinct lineage of parasitic wasps dating from the mid-Cretaceous period and preserved in amber may have used their Venus flytrap-like abdomen to capture and immobilize their prey.

Social Sciences

Do narrow‑minded search algorithms cause polarized perceptions?

Tulane University and the University of Chicago researchers have conducted research demonstrating that user search habits and the relevance‑based optimization of search engines contribute to the reinforcement of existing ...

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Tech Xplore

New research sheds light on earliest days of Earth's formation

New research led by a York University professor sheds light on the earliest days of Earth's formation and potentially calls into question some earlier assumptions in planetary science about the early years of rocky planets. ...

Why humans have smaller faces than Neanderthals

The human face is strikingly distinct from our fossil cousins and ancestors—most notably, it is significantly smaller, and more gracile. However, the reasons behind this change remain largely unknown. A team of researchers ...

Forecasting the future of Southern Ocean ecosystems

Ecosystems in the Southern Ocean, the body of water surrounding Antarctica, are under threat from climate change. The area's inhabitants, from whales to krill to phytoplankton, face changes such as a loss in sea ice and rising ...

Partial solar eclipse in northern areas on Saturday

The moon will cross in front of the sun for around four hours on Saturday, creating a partial solar eclipse that careful skygazers will be able to see in parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

Chinese doctors implant pig liver in human for first time

Chinese doctors said Wednesday that they had transplanted a liver from a genetically modified pig into a brain-dead human for the first time, raising hopes of a life-saving donor option for patients in the future.

Deep sea mining impacts visible for 'many decades'

Scientists said they have seen the first signs of life returning to deep sea mining tracks carved into the abyssal seabed more than four decades ago, but warned on Wednesday that full recovery may be "impossible."

Avian influenza discovered in NYS bobcats

Avian influenza—which has devastated poultry flocks, wildlife populations and increasingly poses a public health risk—has now been confirmed in wild bobcats in New York state.

Sustainable seaweed farming could be the way of the future

Seaweed farming could be the sustainable solution the world has been looking for, but new research from Monash University and the University of the Sunshine Coast suggests Australia has a long way to go before it can capitalize ...

How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected political trust

Five years have passed since 22 March 2020, when the German government at the time imposed the first lockdown in an effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. What began as a two-week measure developed into a prolonged crisis ...