The municipal election, April 8, will determine plenty of local issues—one of which is Proposition Fire. The bond issue for the Dent County Fire Protection District (DCFPD) would not just be used for replacement vehicles, but also toward the replacement of expired gear, such as air packs, wh…
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The Steelville Trail of Tears Remembrance Committee has been named one of the recipients of the inaugural Midwest Memory Grant from Forecast Public Art, an initiative funded by the Mellon Foundation. This grant program supports rural Midwest communities in creating and preserving monuments t…
When Steve Paine, public works director, came to The Salem News for an interview—he looked out the window overlooking North Main Street. It was a beautiful day of sunny weather, a light breeze, and through the window of The Salem News one can see the Dent County Courthouse, Country Corner Ca…
Salem’s annual community-wide yard sale is coming up on Saturday, May 3. The city informs residents to watch up details coming soon about opportunities for advertising and yard sale maps.
The Dent-Phelps R-III Board of Education met March. 20 for its regular meeting. In attendance were board members Brandon Schloemer, Adam Parker, Kelly Chapman, Bill Manthey, Curt Baldwin, Caleb Gidcumb, and Nick Grover. Also in attendance were superintendent Vicky Brooker and principal Karla…
The Green Forest R-II board met for its monthly meeting Feb. 17. In attendance were board members Jason Jones, Michael Jones, Jereme Patton, Wes Hampton, Kyle Case, and Amber Toman. Attendees included Conrad Prugh, Kriste Crocker, and Lexi Keith.
The Salem R-80 School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting Thursday, March 20, during which Wills shared the Salem High School Robotics Team received a donation of $1,000 from VFW Post 6337. Also in conversation was the celebration of School Board Recognition Month, with m…
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board met for its monthly meeting Tuesday, March 11.
The Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees met for its monthly meeting Feb. 25. In attendance included board members Bob Gravley, Carol Lacy, Bob Parsons, Dennis Floyd and Lori Hasten. Also present were Zach Moser, Administrator, and Roma Jones, Assistant Administrator.
According to reports of Missouri’s 42nd Judicial Circuit:
According to reports of Troop I of the Missouri State Highway Patrol:
According to reports from the Dent County Sheriff’s Office, deputies:
Photo Gallery
Funeral service for Shirley Mae (Wood) Wofford will be at 1 p.…
Funeral service for Babby Lynn (Hutchens) Strouse was March 24…
Funeral service for Velma Ellen (Terrill) Ferguson was March 1…
Celebration of life for Anna Mae (Whitcomb) Lennington will be…
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