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More than 77,000 Sign Petition for Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse in Capitol Attack Cases

A petition calling for conservative Supreme Court Justices and noted Donald Trump supporters Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from major cases related to the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack has amassed 77,000 signatures as of 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 21. Following a report from The New York Times that highlighted potential conflicts of interest for the conservative justices, MoveOn launched the petition.

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More than 77,000 Sign Petition for Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse in Capitol Attack Cases

A petition calling for conservative Supreme Court Justices and noted Donald Trump supporters Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from major cases related to the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack has amassed 77,000 signatures as of 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 21. Following a report from The New York Times that highlighted potential conflicts of interest for the conservative justices, MoveOn launched the petition.

High Court Upholds South Carolina Redistricting, Displacing Black Voters

The U.S. Supreme Court has reinstated South Carolina’s redrawn congressional map, declaring it not unconstitutional racial gerrymandering. Justice Samuel Alito authored the 6-3 opinion, which overturned a lower court’s finding that the map had illegally removed 30,000 Black voters to favor a white Republican candidate in the 1st Congressional District.

Biden Makes Historic Strides in Diversifying Federal Judiciary

President Joe Biden has set a historic precedent by appointing more non-white and female judges to the federal judiciary than any other president in U.S. history, a significant achievement in his first three and a half years in office. According to a published analysis of self-reported data from the Federal Judicial Center, only 13 percent of Biden’s Senate-confirmed judicial appointments are white men.

Scrivner Investigation Currently In The Hands Of California Attorney General’s Office

Kern Sol News has learned that the California Attorney General’s Office is reviewing the child molestation case against Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner.  The Kern County Sheriff’s Office began the investigation against Scrivner on April 23.  But the AG’s office is not saying much else about the case.  An email from the AG press office to Kern Sol News reads, “At this point all we can confirm is that we are reviewing the case.”

Marilyn Mosby Sentenced to Home Detention in Mortgage Fraud Case

Following her conviction for mortgage fraud and perjury, former Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby received a 12-month home detention sentence and two years of supervised release. U.S. District Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby handed down the sentence on Thursday, May 23, after a protracted and highly publicized legal battle that has stirred significant debate over race, politics, and justice.
