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Isuzu to establish new manufacturing facility in Greenville

Columbia, S.C. (WOLO)--Another car manufacturer is setting up shop in the Palmetto State. Wednesday Governor Henry McMaster announced Isuzu will invest $280 million in a new facility in Greenville. McMaster released a statement saying, “Isuzu’s decision to establish operations and…

RCSD: Individual hit by car following traffic stop

Richland Co., S.C. (WOLO)-- Richland Co. deputies say around 12pm Friday RCSD initiated a traffic stop on I-20 Westbound near MM 74 which is not far from the I-277 interchange. Deputies say the individual pulled over to the shoulder and…

Lexington Police searching for accused burglar

Lexington, S.C. (WOLO)--Police in Lexington say they're looking for a burglar who stole nearly $2,000 in equipment on Christmas Eve. Investigators say on December 24, 2024 a man was captured on a surveillance camera as he broke into a business…

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