Arshad M Khan: Scrambling for Peace
Bob Gaydos: So who signed the deportation order?
Dr. Lenore Daniels: Not That Kind of Change: We Refuse!
Dr Mazin Qumsiyeh: Questions and free films
Herbert Calhoun: Consciousness and The Free Energy Principle: An essay review of Mark Solms book "The Hidden Spring"
Citizen News Service - CNS: How can we leave those behind who are at higher TB risk?
Citizen News Service - CNS: Catapulting funding crisis into opportunity by getting on track to end TB and tobacco use
Carl Petersen: Why Isn't The School District Settling This Lawsuit?
Kevin Marley: Two-Faced Devout Lesbian Homewrecker Who Is, Umm, Spiritual
Carl Petersen: Will These Charter Schools Escape Accountability?
John Rachel: US Economic Reports Are Sounding Like Mother Goose
Domp Filanowski: GOAL Induction
Domp Filanowski: Eulogy of Edmund Francis Armstrong, March 11 1950 - May 10 2023
Thomas Knapp: The Political Show Must, Apparently, Go On ... But Don't Forget It's Just a Show
Marta Steele: What Has Evolved? (9/11/2001)
Kamala Sarup: Embracing Cape May's Scene
Marta Steele: Stupidity and Brutality Run Amok
John Hawkins: Hospital Discharge
John Hawkins: I'm Up by the 8 Count, But Staggering (again)
John Hawkins: I'm Ill
Al Hirschfield: Daily Live Blessings By Mother Meera (3)
Scott Baker: Senator Krueger's Virtual Town Hall Series New York City Reopens, Part 3: Vaccine Confiden
Greta Zarro: Virtual Chapter Open House
Al Hirschfield: Blessings By Mother Meera
Greta Zarro: Divest Philly Campaign Meeting
Greta Zarro: #nowar2019: Pathways To Peace
Greta Zarro: Free Webinar: Chapters 101
Greta Zarro: Campaign Meeting: Divest Philly From Nukes
Greta Zarro: Talk: David Swanson On "growing The Movement For A World Beyond War"
Greta Zarro: Talk: David Swanson On "growing The Movement For A World Beyond War"
AlterNet: 'Open declaration': Hegseth slammed over new tattoo seen as insult 'to the Muslim world'
Crooks and Liars: International Travel Accessories
Daily Kos: Razor-thin House majority has the GOP sweating
HuffPost: Trump Says The U.S. Will 'Go As Far As We Have To Go' To Acquire Greenland
PoliticusUSA: Trump Is So Scared Of Losing Special Election That He Sent Elise Stefanik Back To The House
Martha Rosenberg: Here The Right-To-Life and Animal Rights Movements Agree
Steven Sahiounie: Turkish economy tanks following political arrest
EPA Deregulation Would Be a 'Tragedy' for Health, Experts Say
Steven Sahiounie: Israel defies the US-brokered ceasefire with over 500 dead in Gaza
Adomas Abromaitis: Europe violates its own fundamental freedoms
Tom Engelhardt: Tomgram: Engelhardt, Trump First, America Last
Steven Sahiounie: Russian airbase rescues 8,000 Syrians.
Steven Sahiounie: China hosts a meeting concerning Iran nuclear deal
Tom Engelhardt: Tomgram: William D. Hartung, A Manhattan Project for AI Weaponry?
Steven Sahiounie: Damascus's deal with the Kurds restores lost oilfields
Rob Kall: Thom Hartmann The Hidden History of American Healthcare
Rob Kall: Joel Segal, Creating a National Progressive Coalition at the National Justice Roundtable
Rob Kall: Chuck Collins; , The Wealth Hoarders; How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Billions
Rob Kall: Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics: The World Needs A New Story
Rob Kall: Vincent James music evangelist and National Holiday Creator
Rob Kall: Learning from the Indigenous Wisdom of Sitting Bull, with Four Arrows
Rob Kall: Reinventing Masculinity from Confined to Liberated
Rob Kall: Carol S. Pearson; Understand the Stories you Live Your Life Through part 2
Rob Kall: What Stories Are You Living; Discover your Archetypes—Transform Your Mind (part 1 of 2) Carol Pearson
Rob Kall: Cindy Watson; The art of Feminine, Bottom up Negotiation and Navigation of the Healthcare system
Jose Manuel Silva: Green buildings in cities -- Sustainable Architecture
Bob Passi: Winter Solstice - 2024
Joshua Soo: Nuclear Energy, Friend or Foe? (2)
David Son: Cycles of Time (3)
Which areas of the world will be most affected by sea-level rise over the next century, and after that?
Karl Grossman: ADVANCE Act Pushing Nuclear Power Passes U.S. Congress by Lopsided Margins (6)
Bob Passi: The End is Near! : Human Development
Bob Passi: The Human Race
Katie Singer: Exploring humanness during radioactive times: a review of "SOS: The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power's Legacy"
Blair Gelbond: Toward a Mature Global Civilization
Donald Trump's economic masterplan
The Argentinian President's crypto scam exploited the dangerous illusion of apolitical money
No One Knows How This Will End (But I Do Not Think It Will End Well for Them)- Rebecca Solnit
How the "Subversive Genius" of Kendrick Lamar Sent Trump Home a Loser
As an Ex-President, Jimmy Carter Fought for Peace
Luigi Mangione Is America Whether We Like It or Not
Elie Mystal: OF COURSE Joe Biden Was Right to Pardon His Son
Consequences of The Heritage Foundation Project 1981 and Project 2025's Guide to Subverting Democracy
What I Learned When I Read 887 Pages of Project 2025
Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Think Trump Won't Accept 2024 Election Outcome
Suzanne McMillen-Fallon: Single Step Forward
Bob Gaydos: Ode to a windy day
Barbara And Bruce MacLean-Lerro: Neoliberal Micro Psychology vs Communist Macro Psychology: From Flatland to Spaceland Part I
Mike Rivage-Seul: So Far, The World Is Better Off With Trump!
Bob Passi: Regaining Balance: Reclaiming Democracy (1)
Barbara And Bruce MacLean-Lerro: Take Your Clothes Off and Keep Your Mouth Shut: My Twelve Years in a Union as a Fine Arts Model
Lawrence Wittner: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Provides a Way to Avert Nuclear Catastrophe (4)
Barbara And Bruce MacLean-Lerro: What is a Working Class Hero?
Citizen News Service - CNS: Frontline healthcare workers dispelling darkness below the lamp
Christian J Botella: Kirill Ilinski's Gauge Theory in Finance: Bridging Physics and Economics
Lance Ciepiela: Empower Grand Jury to Hear 9/11 Evidence of Federal Crimes (5)
John Hawkins: (Concluded) End the 1917 Espionage Act
Kathy Swift: (Concluded) Free Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange! (3)
Kathy Swift: (Concluded) Free Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange (4)
Domp Filanowski: (Concluded) Philadelphia Free Library: Subscribe to OED Online
Justin Samuels: (Concluded) Legalize Recreational Cannabis in New York
Yolanda Bell: (Concluded) Stop Hospitals From Utilizing Guardianships to Override Patient Rights
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: (Concluded) Tell the Electoral College to cast their votes for Hillary Clinton. (1)
Paul Tuten: (Concluded) Wholly employee owned non-profit corporations.
Paul Tuten: (Concluded) Track and prosecute corporate crime. (1)
Gary Lindorff: Testament |
Christina Dion Sabaratnam: The Magic of John Green's Books and Why They Stay |
Gary Lindorff: Post card from FL: Ibises (not) grazing on a lawn / an update |
Gary Lindorff: Live from Florida with Foxy News' own Margie "smartest in the room" Middlefinger |
Gary Lindorff: America: Coming of age on the cusp of irrelevancy (poem followed by a reflecion)) |
Gary Lindorff: Who am I? A memory, Santa Cruz 1977 |
Martha Rosenberg: " Please tell me YOUR pet peeves! " on "Five TrendsThis Reporter Hates"
Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow: " Typo: From available data, there was a 6.7% incr" on "Aiken Coverups and New Scientific Advances in Water Main Bre"
Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow: " Typo: There was 6.5% increase in Aiken water main" on "Aiken Coverups and New Scientific Advances in Water Main Bre"
Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow: " Op Ed Update Recent Aiken data shows that wat" on "Aiken Coverups and New Scientific Advances in Water Main Bre"
Marta Steele: " Thank you for your comment! " on "Doctors Prescribe Art to Enhance Health"
Mary Shapiro: " EXCELLENT summary. We need as much healing as pos" on "Doctors Prescribe Art to Enhance Health"
Bob Stuart: " Time to put your white hats on, hackers! " on "The Left Desperately Needs Knowledge Management to Retain Cl"
David Wieland: " The Hill reported that an internal USAID email (c" on "The Left Desperately Needs Knowledge Management to Retain Cl"
Mark Uchine: " Just the evil is so banal.. it is always so dull " on "Not That Kind of Change: We Refuse!"
Dr. Lenore Daniels: " Hi Mark, I want to suggest that we try to be m" on "Not That Kind of Change: We Refuse!"
Louis Pasteur: Let me tell you a secret...
Tom Paine: Goal of American Dream...
Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality...
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Emerson's View of Man and God...
Buckminster Fuller: Build a new model....
Emiliano Zapata: It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees....
Bernie Sanders: “Not me, Us...
Stian Skjelbred: Words to live by...
Mark Twain (?): Denial...
Thomas Jefferson, A Slave Owner: Afterthought 1...
Rob Kall: Who Leaked Alito's Roe v Wade Draft Opinion?
Don Smith: Should (international) air travel be greatly restricted? (2)
Lance Ciepiela: 20th Anniversary of 9/11 - The President and Congress Should Review The Evidence of Federal Crimes?
John Hawkins: What, Are They Sh*tting Us?
Lance Ciepiela: Is Biden's Stimulus Bill The Right Rescue Plan?
Rob Kall: Did You Vote For or Against
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Which country will Trump go into exile to? (7)
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Is Pompeo really the worst Secretary of State the USA has ever had? (2)
Mohammad Ala: Which country will be bombed first? (1)
Rob Kall: Your Prayers for Donald Trump?