Reading The Room: Why Black Kids Need More Than The Norm
Black students continue to lag in reading proficiency, hindered by socioeconomic barriers including poverty, trauma, and chronic absenteeism, which cannot be remedied by educational reforms or instructional methods alone.
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Seattle Ranks 24th For Best Overall Commute, According To Lyft Survey
Lyft conducted a survey of over 1,400 commuters and examined data from millions of Lyft rides to identify the cities with the best overall commutes. The analysis considered factors such as commute time, cost, environmental impact, and the vibrancy of downtown areas.
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Supreme Court Declines Appeal From Youths Seeking To Force Action On Climate Crisis
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a long-shot appeal from a group of minors who have for years been attempting to force the federal government to address climate change.
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Active Aging
Killing The MBDA Won’t Just Cripple Black Businesses—It’ll Weaken America
The Trump administration has effectively dismantled the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), a crucial entity for promoting economic equity and addressing the racial wealth gap. Despite the MBDA's success in generating or saving over 14,000 jobs and facilitating $1.2 billion in capital in 2023, this move undermines decades of progress in supporting minority-owned businesses.
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The People Speak
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Finance FYI
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