One of the odd aspects of the government's plan to Americanise the public health system – i.e by making healthcare access more reliant on user pay charges and private health insurance – is that it is happening in plain sight. Earlier this year, the official briefing papers to incoming Heath Minister Simeon Brown cited the rising costs of healthcare, the decline in life expectancy here as opposed to Australia, and a raft of other signs of systemic failure before concluding: The Government has options to change this dynamic and address the affordability of the health system...
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The widow of late Green Party MP Fa'anānā Efeso Collins is calling for an inquest into his death, accusing the organisers of the charity event he was attending at the time of failing him.
Outgoing Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has admitted that our justice system requires transformational change to prevent the further victimisation of Māori. Te Pāti Māori is insisting on body cameras for police officers to ensure the safety of all those who come into contact with law enforcement.
The bill will require that any legislation deemed as a “conscience Act” by the Speaker of the House, once debated and voted on by parliament, will be put to a public referendum at the next election so it is the people that make the final decision.
This is a monumental step for Kiwi consumers. It sets up the framework to give them greater ownership of their data, and more power and ease when it comes to shopping around for the best deal on utilities and other essential services.
Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc says the Members’ Bill lodged by Joseph Mooney seeking to prohibit tort claims arising from or related to climate change matters raises serious issues for both the environment and the constitutional role of the courts.
For this reform to have any longevity, it will require communities to have a strong voice so they can shape the places they live in. It needs to be clear how people who live in our towns and cities can feed into local decision-making when the changes are in place.
Free Speech Union moves threaten to derail InternetNZ’s planned constitution update. This has implications for the non-profit’s main role managing the .nz domain registry and its other work.
“This is a step towards providing the right financial conditions for CHPs to deliver more secure, affordable, long-term homes for people in areas with the greatest persistent unmet housing need,” said Paul Gilberd, Chief Executive, Community Housing Aotearoa.
Sitting between the iPad and the iPad Pro, the iPad Air balances price and performance. It’s 2025’s best tablet if you want to do more than basic browsing, viewing and listening but don’t need high-end performance. This post examines the iPad Air M3.
While most sectors remain under pressure, a gradual improvement is anticipated as the year progresses. This sentiment was echoed by the majority of the 130 attendees who felt that while the economy has been difficult to navigate, they expect it to either stay the same or improve over the next 12 months.
The Grocery Action Group supports any action that would bring fair prices for food for Kiwi consumers.
The data that our surveys collect on species not only assists MPI’s marine biosecurity management, but also helps Taranaki Regional Council and other territorial authorities, Māori partners, industry, and the many stakeholders who benefit from a port free from invasive species, says NIWA Principal Technician Marine Ecology Louis Olsen.
The biggest threat to peace is war; not Russia, not China, not Germany, not the United States of America, not Iran, not the hapless United Kingdom. Wars are a problem, not a solution. The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science.
The idea that Israel is brutalizing Palestinians simply because the Arabs are too weak to challenge the Benjamin Netanyahu government—or any government—implies that, in theory, Arab regimes could unite around Palestine. However, this view oversimplifies the matter.
By claiming the “anti-woke” ground as his own, Peters has stolen an early march on his rivals and thereby probably ensured New Zealand First’s re-election. Peters has always understood better than most that politics is about the acquisition and retention of power. The “war on woke” is simply his latest means to achieve that end.
Israel has reverted to slaughtering civilians, starving children and welshing on the terms of the peace deal.
We'll become increasingly plasticised, with no further need for FitBits, laptops, or cell phones, as we’ll all have neurochips implanted in our brains that literarily ‘hook’ us up to the virtual reality of the Metaverse of AI, thanks to the ‘genius’ of Elon Musk. At which point we’ll all melt.
It’s self-evident that social media couldn’t maximize and manipulate “the worst passions” unless they were already present within us. Which is to say, unless they were a core aspect of human nature. What social media has done, and what AI will do on steroids if we continue on our present course, is accentuate and exacerbate the worst in human nature.
With the election just five weeks away, Pacific climate activists in Australia are rallying to make climate a voting priority in their communities.
The funding crisis comes at a time of unprecedented need for children who continue to face record levels of displacement, new and protracted conflicts, disease outbreaks, and the deadly consequences of climate change - all of which are undermining their access to adequate nutrition.
Oxfam is calling for a renewed ceasefire and for Israel to lift its 23-day siege which is again blocking aid supplies and increasing famine risks for desperate civilians. Israel imposed a complete blockade 23 days ago and cut off electricity to Gaza a few days later.
The year 2024 marked the deadliest on record for migrants in Asia, with at least 2,514 lives lost along the region’s perilous migration routes, according to new data from the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Trump is turning deportation into a weapon of mass destruction. None of us—undocumented immigrants, people with papers, naturalized citizens, or native-born citizens—are safe.
Royal New Zealand Navy Captain Dave Barr, acting Commander of CTF 150, said this bust was a testament to the expert seamanship of the USCGC Emlen Tunnell, operating in challenging waters.
If approved, Pharmac would fund both brands of oestradiol patches from 1 December 2025 and people could use either brand of patch, subject to availability. The public consultation opens on 27 March and closes on 22 April.
This year’s ASB Polyfest will see 291 groups performing across six stages at the festival. These groups come from 77 schools from across the Auckland region. Five schools from outside Auckland will also be performing in a non-competitive capacity, including two groups from Australia on the Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi Māori Stage.
Distinguished Professor Geoff Chase FRSNZ, Chair of the Academy Executive Committee, said the latest Fellows demonstrate the strength of Aotearoa New Zealand’s research communities. Being made a Fellow is an honour that recognises distinction in research, scholarship, or the advancement of knowledge at the highest international standards.
The research, published in The Lancet, found that the introduction and rapid rise of vaping in New Zealand has had little to no impact on the rate of decline in daily smoking among 14-15-year-olds between 1999 to 2023.
“The school lunches changes have cut costs while torpedoing quality and even introducing safety risks. Now we’re facing quality cuts to young children’s education – even saying teachers don’t need to be qualified to teach in the classroom – and I’m very worried about what it will mean for tamariki,” says ECE centre manager Megan White.
Wanaka-based Stevens has been an inspirational presence in disability snow sports for more than 35 years, fulfilling a range of leadership roles both within Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas.