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Banana Boxes Available To Local Farmers


After weeks of frustration and disruptions, local banana and plantain farmers have received a shipment of boxes to export their crops.

A shortage severely impacted the farmers’ operations, but they are relieved to return to production.      

Agriculture Minister Alfred Prospere said Saint Lucia ordered the boxes from within and outside the region to address the shortage.

 “Last week…we received 8,500 boxes from St Vincent and the Grenadines through WINERA, and we also received a container containing 12,000 boxes from the US,” Prospere told reporters on Monday.

He said 20,500 boxes are available to farmers, and last week, two farmers exported bananas.

The authorities anticipate an extra 17,000 boxes from the Dominican Republic to boost farmers’ export capabilities further.

Minister Prospere explained that those boxes had been stuck in Jamaica and would arrive in Saint Lucia by Thursday or Friday.

“I am happy that the farmers are relieved of the pressure, and the challenge they faced over the last few weeks with the bananas,” he said.

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  1. It is good to be patient and wait in silence !!
    This lady is well taken care,❤️to add on your nice teeshirt 👏


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