History and Culture
Explore how past events have influenced and shaped our world. These resources and guides will guide you through the facts, interpretations, and lessons of history, from the earliest civilizations to the present day. Teachers will find useful resources for teaching history in the classroom.
What Is Civil Service? Definition and Examples
What Is Lèse-Majesté?
Biography of Dorothy Day, Founder of the Catholic Worker Movement
The Less-Than-Pleasant Meanings of 13 Little-Known Flowers
Biography of Emperor Joshua Norton
The History of Popular New Year's Traditions
Dr. Francis Townsend, Old Age Public Pension Organizer
Biography of Jimmy Hoffa, Legendary Teamsters Boss
Top Books About The Age of Enlightenment
The Petticoat Affair: Scandal in Jackson's Cabinet
The Whiskey Ring: Bribery Scandal of the 1870s
What Was the Burr Conspiracy?
Robert Hanssen, FBI Agent Who Became a Soviet Mole
The 1932 March of the Veterans Bonus Army
The Colorful History of the St. Patrick's Day Parade
Biography of Charles Darwin, Originator of the Theory of Evolution
The Civil Rights Act of 1866: History and Impact
Causes and Effects of Government Shutdowns
Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase
Brooklyn Bridge Disaster
Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Definition and Legacy
The Lost Generation and the Writers Who Described Their World
7 New Deal Programs That Still Exist Today
8 of the Scariest Days in America
George Washington's First Inauguration
Presidential Election of 1800 Ended in a Tie
How the Great Depression Altered US Foreign Policy
Puritanism for Beginners
Many Americans Opposed the War of 1812
Biography of Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam Leader
Effect of Railroads on the United States
Theodore Roosevelt and the New York Police Department
The Great Awakening of the Early 18th Century
Isambard Kingdom Brunel's Great Steamships
The Pullman Strike of 1894
Who Were the Muckrakers in the Journalism Industry?
Top 5 Causes of the Great Depression
Spectral Evidence and the Salem Witch Trials
Charles Darwin and His Voyage Aboard H.M.S. Beagle
History of Witches Signing the Devil's Book
The History of British Taxation in the American Colonies
Objects Made From the Whaling Industry
Zebulon Pike's Mysterious Western Expeditions
The History of Christmas Traditions
5 Facts About the Transcontinental Railroad
The 49ers and the California Gold Rush
A Poem by Emma Lazarus Changed the Meaning of Lady Liberty
Pontiac's Rebellion and Smallpox as a Weapon
The National Road, America's First Major Highway
York, the Enslaved Member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Why We Have Time Zones
Coxey's Army: 1894 March of Unemployed Workers
The Protectionist Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930
The Great Irish Famine Was a Turning Point for Ireland and America
History of the US Federal Budget Deficit
Building the Brooklyn Bridge
The Hindenburg Disaster
6 Robber Barons From America's Past
The Election of 1840
Successes and Failures of Détente in the Cold War
The Failed State of Franklin