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Thirteen People Injured In Six Road Accidents


The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) transported thirteen people to the OKEU Hospital following six road accidents between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

SLFS Spokeswoman Stacy Joseph disclosed that the incidents occurred in the island’s Northern part.

Joseph said the victims sustained various injuries.

She said a minibus rolled down a hill in Dierre Fort, Castries, resulting in the hospitalisation of five people.

In another collision at Corinth in Gros Islet, three people received medical attention after a three-vehicle crash.

Joseph also revealed that there were several other incidents involving motorcycles.

On behalf of the fire service, she reminded citizens to drive and ride carefully, especially as the country celebrates its independence.

“We strongly recommend that you do not drive while under the influence of alcohol, as it impairs thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination. If you are going to drink, please have an assigned driver who is sober,” the SLFS Spokeswoman said.

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  1. It is Wednesday afternoon ( tommorrow is a holiday) and the bikers are already practicing to be the next road collision and morgue recruits! Why are these bikers always risking it? Why? Madness

  2. Stop asking the folks not to drink and drive. No body has listened and no body will listen. Enact a law to make drinking and driving illegal

  3. Saint lucians what is you all problems you all have proper hospitals and enough blood in the country lord shine light on the island and people just fed up

  4. @ Anonymous:- asked “Enact a Law to make drinking and driving illegal”
    Well what Bubble are we living in, I always thought we already had one.
    Just obey the damn law or be locked up and pay a heavy Fine, fools.


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