Apologize for every color in the rainbow? Hell No! Apologize for being children of God? Never! Apologize for individual differences in skin-tone? Hell No! Apologize for being captured and surviving the dehumanization of slavery, with the help of some Godfearing Whites? Hell No! Apologize for being forced to build the infrastructure of American society as free slave labor. Hell No! Apologize for not receiving forty acres and a mule, because a racist blew Abraham Lincoln’s brains out of his head? Hell No! Apologize for the many scientific inventions that made human life more human? Hell No! Apologize for being the first to die in the Revolutionary War, and serving in every War since? Hell No! Apologize for remembering the blueprints for the White House, never spiritually imaging that one day a Black man, and his family would reside in it, by the name of Barack Obama? Hell No! Apologize for President Biden selecting Kamala Harris as his VP, and supporting her as the first female Vice-President? Hell No! Apologize for the boldness of President Lyndon Johnson and MLK, Jr. for being instrumental in passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Bills? Hell No! America, I apologize and pray for some White Americans in high political positions for being foolish, and not having a God conscience, because they desire to exclude. Even though they take an oath to a God-centered document that declares that all men are created equal. John, the Revelator, makes it crystally clear: “Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Rev-elation 4:11).
Malnutrition of the brain is a deadly disease, because it produces irrationality. Scientifically racial categories are figments of demented mentalities and devilish imaginations. Biologically the differences in so-called racial designations are minute. Hence, defining life on the bases of external physical factors creates untold societal confusion, because what kind of life do we have, if we do not have life in peace, togetherness, and social harmony. However, as an empirical reminder, the oldest human skeletal remains (6,000 years old) Lucy’s remains were discovered in Africa, not Europe. Scientifically, we learned in art classes that you can derive all colors on the color-scheme from Black, but only white can be derived from white.
Therefore, the GOP’s attempt to define the Presidential candidacy of VP Kamala Harris as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is the epitome of lack of God conscience. Individuals who truly feel that they are intellectually superior to other human beings have absolutely no rationale for institutionalizing racism and socio-economic discrimination. Open competition ought to be the basis for leadership moral order. Th us, the foundation of racism comes out of a sense of inferiority, rather than superiority. Physically forcing others to work for you goes against God’s spiritual decree: “in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground: for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” (Genesis 3: 19). Hence, no work, no eating. Therefore, an open competitive system is the spiritual-moral ideal, not institutionalized racism. Secular government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Black people as well as all other so-called racial/ethnic groups have absolutely no reason (s) to apologize to Whites for their skin-tone, because with God it is about sin, not skin. America’s Founders created inclusive governing documents, but they could not live by the spiritual-moral tenets themselves. Th e Founders owned slaves, and most of all, they desired something for nothing. President Biden’s decision to not seek reelection, and his Godly endorsement of VP Kamala Harris has brought America to a spiritual high-water mark in our pursuit to be a Godly democratic multi-cultural inclusive society. America, now is the time to fully embrace multi-cultural democracy, not just talk about democracy, but be about democracy. God is an inclusive God. Th e 2024 Presidential election is because we have a Prosecutor versus Criminal, and good versus evil.