Kenya: Witness in Shakahola Massacre Case Reveals Forced Starvation Leading to Family Deaths

Nairobi — In a harrowing testimony, the seventh prosecution witness in the Shakahola massacre terrorism-related case recounted being coerced into depriving his one-and-a-half-year-old daughter of food and water, leading to her death.

Testifying before Shanzu Senior Principal Magistrate Leah Juma, the witness, whose identity is protected, revealed that he initially tried to protect his child.

However, he eventually succumbed to pressure from elders who were enforcing a fasting regime and monitoring deaths.

According to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), these elders were reportedly instructed by Paul Mackenzie, the prime suspect in the Shakahola massacre, to implement his radical teachings.

The witness recounted that he had no choice but to deprive his daughter of food and water, resulting in her death after 15 days.

The witness also shared that his wife died after enduring a ten-day starvation period in a makeshift tent where she had relocated. Over two days of testimony, the witness detailed how Mackenzie's radical teachings led to the deaths of over 400 people in the vast Shakahola forest.

He explained that many children died between January and February 2023 following Mackenzie's declaration of a mandatory fasting period.

Initially voluntary, the fasting became compulsory under Mackenzie's orders. The witness noted that Mackenzie personally conducted burials for children who died of starvation. The witness added that he tried to escape but was deterred by fear of capture and a lack of resources.

After his child's death, his wife moved deeper into the forest, following an order for fasting followers to evade police detection. At the time, police and families were actively searching for missing loved ones.

The witness testified that following his wife's death, he spent his remaining time transporting bodies from makeshift tents to burial sites and digging graves. He also admitted to occasionally breaking his own fast by consuming honey and water.

The testimony was given during an examination-in-chief conducted by a prosecution team led by Peter Kiprop, Jami Yamina, Anthony Musyoka, Victor Owiti, Betty Rubia, and Peris Ogega.

The court adjourned the hearing until September 30, 2024, with further proceedings scheduled from October 1 to October 3, 2024, and from October 28 to October 31, 2024.

About The Author


Bruhan Makong reports on security, human rights, and global affairs. He is passionate about uncovering the truth, amplifying the voices often drowned in silence, and holding those in power to account.

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