Dr. King's 'I Have a Dream' Speech: Quiz Yourself

Dream Speech
'I Have a Dream' Speech. Getty Images/Agence France Presse

One of the most famous speeches of the last century is "I Have a Dream," by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Though most Americans are familiar with the last section of the speech, in which Dr. King articulates his dream of freedom and equality, the rest of the speech deserves just as much attention for its social significance and rhetorical power.

After rereading the speech carefully, take this brief quiz to check your comprehension.

2. In the second paragraph of the speech (beginning "Five score years ago . . ."), which extended metaphor does Dr. King introduce?
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of anaphora in this speech?
4. What analogy does Dr. King use in order to illustrate America’s broken promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to “her citizens of color"?
5. "[M]any of our white brothers . . . have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom." What does "inextricably bound" mean here?
7. In paragraph 11, Dr. King addresses those in the audience who have been unjustly imprisoned and "battered by . . . police brutality." What advice does Dr. King offer to these people?
8. In the paragraphs beginning with the now-famous phrase "I have a dream," Dr. King mentions members of his own family. Which family members does he mention?
10. At the end of the speech, Dr. King repeatedly calls out, "Let freedom ring." Which one of the following locations does he NOT name in this part of the speech?
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