Between mounting obstacles in society, challenges in the workplace, personal struggles and major life transitions, Black women find themselves navigating turbulent waters. And the stress is showing up in our lives and bodies in very unhealthy ways, leading to a wave of mental health issues and a real need for healing in the Black community. 

Healing from grief, trauma, anxiety, or depression requires a commitment to the process. It’s not easy — it’s hard work, and it becomes even more challenging when trying to do it in isolation. Julian B. Kiganda discovered firsthand the depth of effort required on her own healing journey.

“After attending six funerals and navigating unimaginable grief and loss in 2022, I was in a place where I didn’t want to do much of anything. Almost all of those losses were family members. I was anxious and crying all the time. I lost my passion for my work and found myself isolated from others. There was very little joy in my life,” she says.

Fortunately, she was surrounded by an incredible support system, maintained a strong spiritual practice and benefited from the guidance of a skilled therapist. Yet, therapy alone, while instrumental in equipping her with the tools to cope with her grief and anxiety, wasn’t enough. She found it necessary to explore different methods and practices to find emotional, spiritual and even physical healing.

“I did everything from journaling and going for long walks to experiencing a sound bath session and growing plants. Doing all of the things was necessary for me to be able to address the pain and find peace again. But as I was coming out of that dark place, I recognized that many of my sisters were going through similar struggles. It made me realize how crucial it is for Black women to find safe spaces where they can express themselves without judgment and find much-needed support,” she states.

As a way to turn her pain into purpose and honor the lives of those whom she lost in 2022, Julian founded EMERGE Live! — a space for Black women to create a new vision for personal and professional fulfillment. The event offers a sanctuary for women to rest, recalibrate and rediscover joy, which is this year’s theme. A three-day immersive retreat, EMERGE Live! will bring together visionary Black women from April 19-21, 2024, at the beautiful Gaylord National Resort in National Harbor, Md. 

This life-changing event guarantees a variety of enriching experiences, including interactive workshops, engaging discussions, and soulful performances. Renowned women leaders such as Gina Paige, president and co-founder of African Ancestry, Lydia G. Sermons, vice president and chief communications officer at Howard University, Viola Llewellyn, award-winning FinTech founder and co-founder of The Tulle-Box, Dr. Ivy Hylton, International Sound Healer and holistic integrative health practitioner, and Julian B. Kiganda, founder of EMERGE Live! and CEO of JBK Brand Design LLC, will share insights gleaned from their own journeys of resilience and innovation. 

Guided by experts dedicated to empowering Black women, attendees will delve into topics ranging from holistic healing techniques and boundary setting to conquering imposter syndrome and growing their businesses with venture capital. The Creative Visionary Lounge will serve as a hub for inspiration, while the Chic Boutique, energetic African dance class, and immersive sound bath session offer moments of relaxation, cultural celebration, and healing.

EMERGE Live! was created to cater to women at every stage of their journey — whether seasoned professionals, budding entrepreneurs, or emerging leaders eager to embrace their potential. This is an invitation to every Black woman seeking renewal and connection in a safe, supportive environment. 

“My intention is to reach as many women as I can with this message of healing and rediscovering joy. I was fortunate to have the resources and the support to heal from my pain, but I recognize that not everyone has that. That’s why the work we’re doing at EMERGE Live! Is so critical. It allows us to create an environment that brings connection, empathy, learning and joy all in one place. And Spring is the perfect time to embrace renewal, growth, and a fresh start,” Julian states.

Whether it’s attending a retreat, going to therapy,  or spending time in nature, it’s important for Black women to make the time and space to heal and nurture themselves — mind, body and soul. Healing is a lifelong journey, and it takes effort to do the work, but the peace you find on the other side makes it all worth it.

Registration for EMERGE Live! is now open, with special rates available for a limited time. Secure your spot today at and embark on a powerful journey toward healing, joy and renewed purpose. Enter code EL2410 for 10% off your registration. Sponsorship, partnership and vendor opportunities are also available. To make the experience accessible, there are special rates for students and young professionals, women who are out of work or underemployed, community and nonprofit leaders, and retirees on a budget. Contact us at for more information.

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