
PICS | Mpumalanga police weed out 2 men bust with dagga worth R160 000

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Police arrest two men caught with large volumes of dagga
(Supplied by SAPS)
Police arrest two men caught with large volumes of dagga (Supplied by SAPS)
  • Two men were arrested in Mpumalanga for dealing in dagga.
  • One of the suspects is accused of selling the dagga to school pupils.
  • The man is originally from Eswatini and police are consulting with Home Affairs to determine his status in SA.

Two Mpumalanga men have been arrested after they were found in possession of large quantities of dagga.

The men were arrested in separate incidents on Saturday in Kriel and Piet Retief.

In Kriel, police followed up on information about a man allegedly selling dagga, "even to pupils".

"At around 13:00 on the said day, police then operationalised the details thereof and went to a certain house in the Kriel area and found their person of interest," police spokesperson, Brigadier Selvy Mohlala, said.

Police arrest two men caught with large volumes of dagga (Supplied by SAPS)

He said that when police arrived at the house, where the 33-year-old man lived as a tenant, they found about 25 plastic packages filled with dagga. The dagga had an estimated street value of R50 000, he added.

Mohlala said the man was arrested and charged with possession of dagga.

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"Police cannot rule out the possibility of adding another charge of dealing in dagga as the investigation proceeds."

Mohlala said the man was originally from Eswatini and that police were verifying his immigration status.

He is expected to appear in the Kriel Magistrate's Court on Monday, 21 February.

Police arrest two men caught with large volumes of dagga (Supplied by SAPS)
Police arrest two men caught with large volumes of dagga (Supplied by SAPS)

Meanwhile, on Friday morning, police in Piet Retief spotted a suspicious grey Mazda SUV with one occupant.

When they searched the car, they found five bags stuffed with dagga.

Mohlala said a 30-year-old man was arrested and charged with dealing in dagga.

The estimated street value of the dagga was about R110 000.

He said: 

The vehicle was also confiscated for further probe. Police believe that the car was used in the commission of crime. Preliminary investigation suggests that the vehicle belongs to a certain rental company.

The man is expected to make his first appearance in the Piet Retief Magistrate's Court on Monday, 21 February.

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