Theresa Curtis (Courtesy photo)

Our Authors Study Club, Inc. (OASC) will observe the 2023 National “Audacity To Hope Day” with a special reception to welcome new members on Sunday, June 4, at 2 p.m.  The event will take place at the newly opened Hidden History Museum, located at 2131 W. Jefferson Blvd in the Jefferson Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.

According to OASC President Lura Daniels-Ball and OASC Membership Chair Theresa Curtis, the Audacity to Hope Day encourages all Americans to recommit to their dreams and believe that the dreams can be achieved.

“On this day, we as Black and African Americans celebrate the resilient human spirit that has conquered many obstacles with hope and perseverance. It is also a day to celebrate movements and important landmarks in human history that have made the world a better place for us all,” said Daniels-Ball.

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“For OASC this day reaffirms our hope as a significant means of Black Resistance that has helped us defy the odds, to bring about a significant change in the world around us, to never give up, even in the face of the direst circumstances – finding joy in doing the impossible,” added Curtis.

Since OASC emphasizes the year-round study of Black history, the Hidden History Museum is uniquely appropriate to host the organization’s “Audacity To Hope Day,” noted Daniels-Ball.

“The Hidden History Museum specializes in featuring untold Black History omitted from popular discourse. A brainchild and realization of activist and documentary film producer Tariq Nasheed, the facility was created as an extension of Nasheed’s documentary films. The museum holds a collection of rare artifacts, documents, artwork, and memorabilia from the Civil Rights movement to today’s Black Lives Matter movement,” she said.

Hidden History Museum (Courtesy photo)

“In addition, it features the history of West Coast hip-hop, and musical pioneers that have inspired some of today’s artists. Visitors can expect to interact with displays, a mobile app, virtual reality, and augmented reality experiences.”

The event is free; however reservations are required due to limited space in the venue.  To RSVP, visit or email:  To learn more, visit or for full details.