People in America know self-care, but not many prioritize it. … Here are a few statistics, by the numbers, to help you understand how important it is for you to take time out for yourself first!

The term self-care is universally familiar to almost all people, as 98 percent have heard the word. But fewer than two in five (35 percent) people are consistently and routinely making the time to practice self-care. The majority (62 percent) are approaching self-care in a more sporadic fashion, such as trying to make time whenever they can or doing so once in a blue moon.

More men than women say they consistently make time for self-care (39 percent vs. 32 percent).

Those who are single are more likely to regularly make time for self-care than those who are married or in a relationship (42 percent vs. 30 percent).

… even though they know it’s the little things that count. The majority of people (89 percent) know that even just a few minutes of “me-time” can make a world of difference. But the reality is two in five (40 percent) feel they rarely have time for themselves each day. Perhaps that’s why three in ten (30 percent) go so far as to make calendar appointments to block off time for themselves.

Almost half of city/urban dwellers agree they rarely have time to care for themselves (45 percent). This is more than those living in the suburbs (36 percent) or those living in small town/rural areas (39 percent) who feel the same.

Parents are more likely to feel they don’t have time to self-care than those without kids (45 percent vs. 32 percent)

Men are more likely than women to block off time for themselves in their calendars (34 percent vs. 26 percent)

Two-thirds (67 percent) of Americans say they put others ahead of themselves. Work (31 percent), caring for their family members (28 percent), commitments like volunteering or studying (22 percent), and social engagements (17 percent) are some of the responsibilities that stand in the way of “me time.”

Men are more likely than women to let work (38 percent vs. 25 percent) or social engagements (22 percent vs. 12 percent) get in the way of self-care.

Those who live in cities or urban areas are more likely than those who live in suburban or rural areas to let work interfere with self-care (38 percent vs. 28 percent).

Higher earners (income of 100K+) are also more likely than their lower income counterparts to put work ahead of themselves (44 percent vs. 29 percent).

Younger generations (18-38) are more likely than older generations (39+) to let social engagements get in the way of self-care (22 percent vs. 13 percent).

This correspondent is a guest contributor to The Washington Informer.

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