Paris Dennard (Courtesy of RNC)
Paris Dennard (Courtesy of RNC)

Paris Dennard is one African American who thinks President Donald Trump has improved the lives of Black people in the United States.

Dennard, the senior communications adviser for Black Media Affairs at the Republican National Committee, has repeatedly championed Trump as a sort of knight in shining armor.

The longtime GOP political commentator, writer, consultant and strategist, regularly praises Trump for guaranteed funding to historically Black colleges and universities, lowering the African American unemployment rate and accomplishing criminal justice reform.

“He has done more for Black people than Barack Obama,” Dennard said of the president during a livestream interview with Black Press USA, which was broadcast on Facebook and YouTube. “Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, I think you should” vote for Trump.

Many African Americans quickly took issue with Dennard and his message.

“Reading is fundamental,” wrote Nadine Banks, who viewed the interview. “Our right to vote has more value than Trump can ever imagine. There is nothing they can say or do to earn/steal my vote. I know he won’t get my vote.”

Nina Justice, who also watched the interview, questioned Dennard’s claim that Trump had done much for criminal justice reform.

“Criminal Justice Reform?” she wrote, apparently incredulous at the suggestion. “Will never get my vote. I’m excited about the election to get rid of him.”

Dennard, however, continued to hammer away.

“An executive order signed by President Trump highlights the importance the administration places on promoting strong, healthy, and secure family units in America,” he said. “With nearly 100,000 Black children in the foster care system in the United States, this action shows Black children in the welfare system, and minority welfare advocates who have been focused on racial disparities in the system, that they have a champion for them in President Trump.”

Dennard said the U.S. Immigration Policy under the Trump administration, which has seen small children placed inside cages near the border, was “Obama’s policy.”

He disagreed with the term “cages,” but nevertheless defended the actions of immigration officials for protecting the U.S. border: “What else are [they] supposed to do?”

“How can a Black or Latino person work for this administration?” asked Wilhelmina Perry, another individual who tuned into the controversial interview. “Small gains that you might be able to cite is offset by the racism and violent statements from this man [Trump]. I might add, statements that are so violent that they are flagged by Facebook and Twitter.”

Dennard further defended Trump’s position against Colin Kaepernick and anyone else who has taken a knee during the playing of the national anthem.

“It’s disrespectful to our country, our veterans,” Dennard said.

Despite being pressed that most, including police officers and the NFL commissioner, now say they understand and support why Kaepernick kneeled during the anthem, Dennard demurred.

“Let him kneel during the game. Not during the anthem,” he said.

Westside Gazette newspaper publisher Bobby Henry also commented as he watched the interview. Henry objected, “[Trump’s] boldness has caused white supremacy to really surface overtly.”

Stacy M. Brown is a senior writer for The Washington Informer and the senior national correspondent for the Black Press of America. Stacy has more than 25 years of journalism experience and has authored...

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