7 Ways to Stay Healthy When Working Out in a Gym.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Unfortunately, every year, major illnesses crop up and people fall ill by the thousands. Even when the illness isn’t all that serious, people still easily pass minor ailments like colds to one another with ease. When you touch a surface that has someone else’s sick germs and then touch your face, you risk getting ill. This includes when you visit the gym. It makes sense that germs are easily transferred; other people use the same equipment you do. But that doesn’t mean you have to ditch your plan to exercise. You just must be smart about it.

Even if a gym is doing its part to disinfect and clean properly, there’s no reason why you can’t be proactive and protect yourself. Here are seven ways to stay healthy when working out in a gym.

  1. Visit During Slow Times

If you go when lots of people are visiting the gym, you risk exposing yourself to more germs. Plus, the gym’s staff won’t likely have the opportunity to clean the machines in between users. Gym traffic is usually slower after 10 a.m. until around 4 p.m. Many people who work out in gyms hold down a job during the day and may try to fit in the workouts before work or after work, so avoid those times.

  1. Bring Your Own Disinfecting Wipes

In this age of uncertainty, business owners and staff members have heightened awareness about keeping things clean and disinfected. So, it’s likely that the gym you visit will have cleaning supplies available for you to use as you move from machine to machine. If you want to bring your own disinfecting wipes, look for ones that contain 60% or more alcohol or chlorine bleach. It’s important to thoroughly wipe the surface, so that it’s wet. Then wait up to a minute for it to air dry.

  1. Choose Fitness Classes That Don’t Require Equipment

There may be times, especially during cold and flu season, when you may want to avoid using exercise equipment. If this is the case, choose from fitness classes that don’t require you to use it. Or take classes that allow you to bring your own equipment.

  1. Avoid Touching Your Face

Unfortunately, the average person frequently touches his or her face, which can cause exposure to germs. The good news is that you can break the habit. Pay attention to how often you touch your face and then choose an alternative behavior to practice each time you start to touch your face. For example, clasp your hands or touch your shoulder. Before you know it, you’ll have broken the habit.

  1. Wash or Sanitize Your Hands Frequently

The best thing to do is to wash your hands with soap and water for a full 20 seconds after finishing your workout. You can also use hand sanitizer, as long as it contains at least 60% alcohol. Also, if you need to take a drink from your water bottle during your workout, use hand sanitizer before doing so to avoid cross contamination.

  1. Wash Your Gym Clothes

If you sweat in your gym clothes, you probably won’t want to wear them more than a couple of times before washing. But in seasons of illness, you may want to make sure to wash them each time. For example, people may cough or sneeze on you or you could otherwise transfer germs to your clothes as you use gym equipment.

  1. Stay Away from the Gym When You’re Sick

When you feel even just a little bit ill, it’s best to stay away from the gym. By doing so, you’ll help keep other people healthy. There are plenty of other ways you can get your exercise for a few days until you feel better. For example, your gym might offer virtual classes, you can use home exercise equipment or you can go for a walk or run.

Staying Healthy Takes Consideration

If you want to stay healthy when using a gym to work out, you should consider everything you do — before you do it. Make sure you have hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with the proper levels of active ingredients in your gym bag. Disinfect the surfaces of each machine before and after you use it. Use hand sanitizer before you touch your water bottle. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after you finish working out. Consider washing your gym clothes after each workout, especially during seasons of illness. If you regularly practice all these steps, you’ll greatly reduce your chances of getting sick.

Music Editor; Brad Washington

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