Opposition: Did PM know about police report?

Opposition Senator Wade Mark. -
Opposition Senator Wade Mark. -

The Opposition is calling on the Prime Minister to say whether he knew a report had been made to police that a senior government minister was associated with a gang leader.

Senator Wade Mark and Couva South MP Rudy Indarsingh raised the issue at the UNC’s weekly media conference on Sunday at the Opposition Leader’s office in Port of Spain.

Indarsingh referred to a report in a Sunday newspaper in which a 32-year-old man said he had fled to the UK seeking asylum after multiple attempts on his life were made following his report to the police that a senior minister and a gangster were connected.

He called on Dr Rowley, the National Security Minister, and the Acting Police Commissioner to reveal the name of the minister.

“Who is this Cabinet minister that has this national of TT seeking asylum in the UK? If there is a criminal minister, we want Rowley to clear the air on the issue,” said Indarsingh.


Mark said the matter was a serious one, and asked whether Rowley was made aware of the report.

He said, “Is the PM aware of a senior minister’s association with a gang leader who peddles drugs and guns? Was it drawn to the PM’s attention in 2018? Was he aware and did he approve the minister as a candidate in the 2020 election?

"He must tell the country if he was in possession of this information.”


"Opposition: Did PM know about police report?"

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