SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — Investing $120 million into the Black community — San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s proposed budget acknowledges the structural inequities impacting the city’s African-American community resulting in generations of disinvestment and is looking to change this.

The money will be coming mainly out of the police department’s budget and be reinvested into the Black community over the course of two years.

“I want Black girls growing up today to rise up not in spite of their upbringing in this city but because of it,” Breed said.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed unveiled her proposed city budget on Friday, where she is looking to reinvest $120 million in funds over the next two years to the African American community that she says has been unheard and underserved for too long.

“There’s always been a lot of talk and no money put behind it so in my own personal opinion I am actually moved by the process and the fact that there’s been some allocation,” Sheryl Davis, Executive director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission said.

The city’s human rights commission released a report earlier this week summarizing the findings from community feedback about where to invest the money in the Black community.

Based on the report, Mayor Breed is proposing 60-percent of the funding be directed for mental health, wellness and homelessness.

35-percent to be directed toward education, youth development and economic opportunity.

And 5-percent will be allocated for a thorough planning process to divert non-emergency, low priority calls for service away from the police department to non-law enforcement agencies.

“We won’t change the fact that nearly half of San Francisco Police Department use of force cases involve Black people over night but we will change these facts with this budget,” Breed said. “We are listening to the community.”

San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott released a statement that said, in part:

“While the cuts are significant, they are cuts we can absorb and that will not diminish our ability to provide essential services … at the end of the day, all San Franciscans — including the San Francisco Police Department — benefit from a city that is more just and equitable; whose diverse communities are healthy and well supported; and where the best, most appropriate public services are enlisted to respond to behavioral health problems and other non-emergency issues that face our city.”

It’s important to note that this is the mayor’s proposed budget.

The board of supervisors will debate and adjust it before sending it back to the mayor for final signature no later than October 1.

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