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SLFS Lauds Police For Their Endurance, Professionalism & Hard Work


The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) last week lauded the work of members of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) as law enforcement officers observed Police Week.

SLFS Station Officer and EMS Manager Fernando James expressed confidence that during the week, every law-abiding citizen understands the tremendous effort officers make in keeping people safe and secure daily.

James pointed to increased road accidents, gang and domestic violence, border control violations, and other national security issues affecting Saint Lucia.

But he indicated that both on and off-duty officers continue to rise above those challenges daily despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As a member of the protective services who work tirelessly with the police on accident scenes, violent crimes, and mass crowd events the Office of EMS and, by extension, the Management and Staff of the Saint Lucia Fire Service, do commend each and every police officer for their professionalism, endurance and hard work,” James said.

Headline photo: March as part of Police Week observances 2022

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  1. On what planet do you live! Are you so obtuse so oblivious to reality that you can actually send this to print?

    I agree you should be supportive of your colleagues but given the state of affairs of internal security in St. Lucia today and the rapid decline of personal and public safety (over the past 25 years) you should at least acknowledge the critical failures of the police forces in St. Lucia.
    This is a frightening statement because it says that in spite of the murders, crime, general mayhem and decline in standards in our country that the people in the very institutions that we depend on for safety are totally clueless and are happy that everything remains as is. Does having one of the world’s highest murder rates mean NOTHING to the person making these statements?
    Are you so dumb or uninformed or lacking in empathy as a Christian St Lucian that you can write such garbage. Does lauding “Professionalism, hard work and endurance” mean anything to the hundreds of St. Lucian families who have lost family members in the last 3 years or who have to look behind their backs everytime they leave their houses?

    If you had said your colleagues were trying but 1) had no help from the political authorities 2) were being hampered by forces outside you institutions 3) lacked resources 4) lacked leadership 5) had some bad apples messing up everything, I could understand. If you acknowledged issues and offered solutions I would understand.

    But to come out as if everything is great, wonderful and you all are working like hell therefore everything is fine just goes to show the rot is deeper than we thought.
    If you, who are in the thick of things cannot accept the responsibility of your jobs then what hope is there for us the average St. Lucian citizen? What does it say about our character as a nation if this is how we think?
    Having interacted with some policemen over the years I can tell you there are some great and wonderful men and women in the Force that I would call on any day for help, but to try and ignore what is going on in general with the RSLPF is a travesty.

    Stop. Think about what you wrote and try again.


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