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Man Injured In Dennery Shooting


Emergency personnel from the Dennery fire station transported a man in his thirties to the hospital after responding to a report about a shooting in the community.

The Dennery station received the report at about 10:56 pm and on arrival, the responders found the victim conscious and alert but with puncture wounds to his body.

And they transported him to the Dennery Hospital.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. So sad 238 sq. miles with so much bloodshed on a regular basis – please ensure the tourist safety (keep your thugs malvetayees and gang bangers on a leash) for your upcoming Jazz Festival which you guys are promoting like there is no tomorrow.

    I hate to say this but it is the reality of the current situation – God forbid anything happens to any one of them – St. Lucia can kiss the tourism industry good bye. Praying

  2. So we start again with theatre again by having a visual of a gun barrel facing the reader! Why is that what the editor wants to do? Why isn’t the title enough? Do we really need the gun barrel facing us when we open the news? The crime itself is bad enough; but, to read the crime, the reader must traumatize by a view of the firearm facing them! Is a video game playing child in charge? Or a teenager infatuated with video games involving violence so numb to the rest of the public view who reads the news?


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