Secrets For Finding the Right T-Shirt.

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( Everyone loves a great T-shirt. T-shirts are a universal part of almost everyone’s wardrobe. T-shirts are simple, easy to wear, and can easily be layered to create the perfect look. They come in a variety of styles and designs, and often feature bright graphics that suit your aesthetic. You can even customize T-shirts so they are truly one-of-a-kind.

But have you ever really thought about how your T-shirt fits? Sometimes, the large, medium, and small sizing guide just doesn’t feel quite right. And what about what the T-shirt says about you? Do your T-shirts fit into your overall wardrobe?

With these considerations in mind, how do you find the right T-shirt for your body and style? Below, we offer some tips.

Secrets for Finding the Right T-Shirt

So how do you find the right T-shirt? Put together by My Pride Apparel, a Black pride apparel brand, here are some secrets that will up your T-shirt game and ensure your wardrobe essential is never boring.


The Material Matters

T-shirts come in a variety of materials – cotton, cotton blends, polyester, rayon – almost every fabric type imaginable. One of the secrets to a great T-shirt is the materials that it is made of. Choose materials that are soft and comfortable. If it is machine washable, all the better! Also, remember that some fabrics shrink when they are washed. This can affect how well your T-shirt fits after a wear or two.

Size Matters

It can be difficult to find a T-shirt that fits just right. For men, the neck and sleeve length can be a challenge. For women, finding a T-shirt that has ample room in the chest area is important. When you are trying on T-shirts, here are some tips for finding the right size:

  • Sleeves should extend about halfway down the upper arm.
  • Shoulder seams should rest at the end of the shoulder and very top of your arm.
  • The bottom hem of the T-shirt shouldn’t fall lower than your hips.

Shape Matters

Many T-shirts are boxy and cling to certain areas while hanging off others. Without a good pattern, the shape of a T-shirt can seem similar to a square with arm holes. This is not attractive. When you are shopping for a T-shirt, look for shirts that have some shape and follow the lines of the body. For women, they may be tighter around the middle. For men, they may have wider shoulders. If the T-shirt looks like a large square or rectangle, keep looking!

Shop For Your Body Type

Every body is different. Therefore, you need a T-shirt that fits you! Here are some tips for finding out your body type so you can find the best T-shirt for you.

  • Rectangle: Shoulders and waist are roughly the same width.
  • Oval: Larger frame and a softer mid-section.
  • Trapezoid: Shoulders are wider than the waist.
  • Inverted Triangle: Shoulders are much wider than the waist. The shoulder-to-waist ratio resembles and upside down triangle.
  • Non-Inverted Triangle: Waist is wider than the shoulders.

Choose the Right “Fit”

There are three primary types of T-shirt fit. Choosing the right fit can help you accentuate the areas you want and mask any areas you would rather downplay. The three types of fit include:

  • Slim: Tighter on the body
  • Classic: Looser and more comfortable fit
  • Modern: Structured and stylish

Don’t Skimp on Quality

Anyone can go to the local department store and find a T-shirt that is just a few bucks. While that is great for everyday wear or for layering, if you want your T-shirt to make a statement, you might want to consider the quality of your purchase. Many inexpensive T-shirts are made from cotton that will shrink, fray, and fade over time. If you are buying a T-shirt to wear as a wardrobe essential, make sure you choose one that is high quality.

A good, quality T-shirt is likely to last you years, so it is a worthwhile investment for your wardrobe.

Staff Writer; Phil Carter