TT Chamber calls for responsible behaviour from public

Customers, some not wearing masks, wait to enter a grocery on Charlotte Street, Port of Spain on Friday. - PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE
Customers, some not wearing masks, wait to enter a grocery on Charlotte Street, Port of Spain on Friday. - PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE

“No one is safe until everyone is safe” was the position taken by the TT Chamber of Industry and commerce hours after the Prime Minister called for non-essential workers and commuters to stay at home. The chamber called for people to act responsibly and expressed its support for Government’s “robust enforcement” of the protocols.

“We call on citizens to recognise their individual responsibility to keep themselves and their families safe even beyond the next two weeks. The Government cannot do this alone, all members of society have a part to play.”

The Chamber added that essential sectors have a responsibility to keep employees and customers safe and recognised businesses for their adherence to covid 19 protocols.

“We are hoping that at the end of these two weeks, the burden on the parallel health care system will be alleviated and allow for the lifting of restrictions. The dedication and hard work of our healthcare and frontline workers across all sectors,” the chamber said.


"TT Chamber calls for responsible behaviour from public"

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