Like a magic brew thinned into bouillon, “Come Away” folds spellbinding storybook tales into a mundane melodrama. The movie proposes that Peter Pan and Alice, of Wonderland, are brother and sister. As children, they share an idyllic life, until a family tragedy prompts them to retreat into their respective fantasy lands.

The story takes place in the English countryside, where the craftsman Jack (David Oyelowo) and his wife Rose (Angelina Jolie) live in a quaint cottage with three children. The kids exercise their active imaginations in the woods, where they pretend to shoot arrows and cross swords in combat. The director Brenda Chapman (“Brave”) aligns us with the siblings by bringing their jovial make-believe to life. An overturned rowboat is shown to be a ship full of pirates; sticks, when brandished, become sharp blades.

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Then, in a miserable twist, an accident leaves the family overcome by grief. As Jack’s gambling problem re-emerges and Rose develops a taste for liquor, the plot dulls and the frame seems awash with gray. The younger kids Peter (Jordan A. Nash) and Alice (Keira Chansa) try to escape the pain through fanciful trips to Neverland and Wonderland. Even those brief interludes cannot lift the oppressive gloom.

Source: ‘Come Away’ Review: Escaping Grief Through Fantasy