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Magic Silicone Rollers

Jazmine Denise

When it comes to my hair, I pretty much keep it simple: weekly wash days, roller sets, and relaxers every three months or so. Since I’ve come close to mastering the art of the at-home roller set in recent years, I thought that maintaining my hair while on lockdown would be fairly easy. What I didn’t take into account was the fact that I was due for a relaxer soon. I followed my normal routine for as long as I possibly could until my new growth became substantial enough to throw a wrench in the routine. I then attempted to relax my hair at home. I failed. Twice. At that point, I realized that if I was going to make it through this quarantine without going bald, I was going to have to care for and style my hair as though I was transitioning again.

Back when I went natural, before going back to the creamy crack, the easiest styles to maintain were the curly ones because they allowed my new growth and my relaxed hair to coexist in near-perfect harmony. Those styles were cute, lasted for days, and required minimal manipulation. So I went back to the basics and decided that heat-free curls would be the style to carry me through the rest of quarantine. However, instead of going the flexi Rod route this time, I decided to try the magic silicone rollers, which I ordered from Amazon. Here’s how they worked out for me.

Damp Hair

When the rollers arrived, I followed my regular wash day routine using Arcani Coil Care products. I gave my hair about an hour to air dry and then I added a light moisturizer and applied  Proclaim’s Olive Foaming Wrap Lotion to every section before rolling. From there I just went on about my day. Several hours later when I went to remove the rollers, my hair was still damp, but the curls had set enough I was able to leave the house to run some quick errands. Around day three, they started to drop significantly and I had to re-roll.

If you’re going to use the magic rollers on wet or damp hair, I recommend sitting under the dryer or committing to having them in for a couple of days.


Source: jazmine denise / Jazmine Denise

Dry Hair

The second time that I used the magic rollers, I did so on dry hair. Similar to how I did with damp hair, I detangled each section, applied Proclaim’s Olive Foaming Wrap Lotion, and applied the rollers,. This time, I slept in them overnight and took them out in the morning. Unlike sleeping in regular rollers, these rollers didn’t make sleeping uncomfortable at all, which is probably the thing that I loved most. The next day, I noticed that the curls had set much better than they did the first time. They were also a lot tighter and lasted much longer.

I would recommend these rollers to anyone, relaxed or natural, who is looking for an inexpensive, low manipulation, and heat-free way to style their hair until the hair salons reopen.

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