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Perry pastors oppose voting restrictions

Leaders and organizations say new bills passed by Georgia impose suppression

PERRY, Ga. — Some Central Georgia pastors spoke out Monday against proposed changes in Georgia's voting laws they call "voter suppression."

The group gathered in front of the Perry Library to oppose Georgia Senate Bill 241. It's one of several voting bills still before the General Assembly. 

With this week marking the 56th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the voting-rights march from Selma to Montgomery, the group said the bills could erase the historic gains in voting access.

Macon Pastor Paul Little said he believes the real goal is to suppress the African American vote.

"Basically, the recent bills are really Jim Crow 2.0," Little said, "So we have a history of seeing African-American people being targeted by different tactics, laws and legislations that really seeks to keep us from being able to share our vote which is a part of our democratic right, and we believe as a community of faith, it is our responsibility to make a stand." 

Many Republicans in the assembly argue that Georgia voting laws need to be tightened to prevent fraud.

Georgia elections officials say there is no evidence that fraud affected the outcome of recent presidential and senate votes.

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