I intend to run for President of Guyana in 2025

Dear Editor,

After years of resisting every single suggestion from various individuals, both in and out of Guyana, I have finally decided to run for President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, in 2025. I share the view of many Guyanese, that our leaders for the past 53 years have not capitalized on the excellent opportunities which we have given to them to govern our country in an inclusive way for the benefit of all Guyanese, and to create an environment where our institutions, citizens and society could evolve with dignity, integrity and be accountable.

After 53 years as an independent nation, I find it unacceptable that, up to recently, we were the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Thankfully, oil and gas will now change that trajectory. I find it unacceptable that our women are the protectors, as perhaps the majority labour force in the security sector, and many of our retired women too. I find it unacceptable that our children between the ages of 15 and 24, are categorized as the main group of criminals in our society. I find it unacceptable that we have not learnt to co-exist on all levels, after 53 years as an Independent country.

As President, I intend to work with the Guyanese people to refocus Guyana, or rather focus the country – at the individual, institutional and societal levels, on the great things that we can achieve as a nation. I intend to build robust and diverse teams with skills and expertise from every corner of Guyana and all sides of the political divide  and other aspects of the society; to find solutions to our challenges and to build on the positives things which obtain currently, and from our past.

The theme on which I will run for President will be around: `Using our diversity in a complementary way and not in a competitive way’.

Many persons have said to me that they will not vote again, I am now signaling to those persons and all Guyanese, that I will give you a reason or many reasons, to vote again. Guyana is a beautiful and richly endowed country and Guyanese are talented, hardworking, dedicated and among the best people in the world.

Please give me an opportunity to bring out the best in us, as a people and together we will collaborate and partner with others to get the best for our country’s growth and development. I/we will lead the country towards finally realizing our motto: One People, One Nation, One Destiny.

I am convinced that with the right leadership, we can be better, we can do better, and we can build a future together that is competitive in the global context; we can provide strong national, regional and international leadership; and we can create more a stable economic and social environment in the country and the Caribbean region.

Yours faithfully,

Audreyanna Thomas