South Africa: VIP Cops Seen Assaulting Motorists Released on Bail

1 August 2023

Harare — Eight police officers from the Presidential Protection Services who were caught on camera assaulting drivers on the N1 in Gauteng have been released on bail, IOL reports. When deciding whether to grant the eight's request for bail, Magistrate Hleziphi Mkhasibe noted that the State had not been able to establish who of the eight police officers had threatened one of the witnesses - the individual who took the video - with a threatening message.

"The (bail) applicants are ordered not to contact the State's witnesses in any manner whatsoever or use other people to contact them," Mkhasibe warned the police officers. The eight, according to her, had turned in their passports and were still closely connected to their families in South Africa.

The eight cops are accused of 12 offenses, including assault with a deadly weapon, reckless and negligent driving, malicious property damage, assault with the intent to do great bodily injury, obstructing justice, and assault by threat.

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