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Jesus the backstory – Pt 3

Rev Dwight Fletcher | Life Lessons from Jesus – Part 2

Published:Sunday | December 20, 2020 | 12:13 AM

Last week, we began to focus on the ways that Jesus grew as a human being though He was God. We looked at his physical and intellectual growth and how that could serve as a guide for our own lives. This week, we will look at the other ways that Jesus developed as a person and how these characteristics can help us in our own growth.


“… it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.” Luke 2:46-47 (NKJV). God the Son at 12 years old was in a ‘Bible study’ with the temple leaders. It was the custom of the teachers to meet in public in the temple to discuss religious and theological questions where everyone could listen and learn. Notice that Jesus was listening to them and asking them questions. Jesus was learning and was, therefore, teachable. He was not there to impress them or wow them with His knowledge. He was there to listen, learn, and share.

This is an important spiritual truth for all of us. Jesus, though He was God here in the flesh, showed that before He would teach, He would be taught. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit who the Bible says will teach us “… all things …” (John 14:26). Yet He allowed the Holy Spirit to teach Him things directly as well as through others. H was teachable. There are some of us today who want to teach but don’t want to be taught. If we want to teach, to continuously mature and to learn, we must first be teachable and remain that way.

James 1:19 says, “… be quick to listen and slow to speak …”. It is said that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason, He wants us to listen more than we speak.


“And Jesus grew … and in favour with God and man” Luke 2:52. This became true because the Word of God had taken root in His life and He was obedient to it. Socially, Jesus was well adjusted as evidenced by his many relationships. He knew how to relate well to other human beings!

He wasn’t a recluse like John the Baptist who lived in the wilderness. Nor was He insensitive or a push-over who wasn’t respected. He rubbed shoulders with his contemporaries in Nazareth. When we are full of the Word, we learn how to be in the world but not a part of it. In this way, Jesus was able to remain sinless but influenced sinners and tax collectors.


There was never a moment when Jesus wasn’t totally pleasing to God the Father, but in order for that to be true, He must have continued to grow. He was perfectly where a 12-year-old should be in spiritual growth at the age of 12. But at 13, He was perfectly where a 13-year-old should be, and so on. I don’t believe that Jesus experienced spiritual shortcuts! Yes, He was unique because He was sinless. Yes, He knew God the Father like no other human, but that knowledge and favour with God was something He grew into. It wasn’t instant.

So we have learnt that Jesus has set the example for how to grow intellectually, physically, spiritually, socially, and personally (teachable) as a person. Though He was God, He also walked out His humanity and set the example for us that we should follow.