Documentary About Cambridge Premieres Monday Night


CAMBRIDGE, Md. - A new documentary is putting Cambridge on center stage, Monday night.

The Documentary is called "Unpacking Cambridge: A Story of Rebirth and Reconciliation."

Monday night's documentary aims to highlight the rebirth of Cambridge.

In the 1960s the City of Cambridge struggled after operations ceased at the packing house. But now with the redevelopment of the packing house, Cambridge itself is experiencing growth in the community.

Mayor Steve Rideout whos already caught a glimpse of the films says this documentary will shed new light on the communities.

When they closed the plant, it really harmed the city dramatically in terms of employment. And particularly in the African-American community. It tells the story of both despair and hope," says Rideout. "It tells our story too. It has its good sides and bad sides. I think it tells a complete story of what Cambridge has gone through."

Rideout added the documentary comes with the hope of new community members.

"I think it will bring jobs. It will bring a greater understanding of the community. I think it will bring a greater appreciation for people who are in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington DC who are looking to come to live in a smaller community that is showing that it's really working hard to make a change," says Rideout.

Those who are active in the community say they hope to feel a sense of pride during the premiere.

"I remember when they did the "High Tide in Dorchester" documentary and I really loved that it brought light onto a very small community that a lot of people may not know about if they haven't visited here or passed by on their way to Ocean City. This is a really great opportunity because it's shining light on a new renovation that we have and these great opportunities in this building," says Laurel Atkiss.

Cambridge's rebirth is still ongoing and the progress will be on display for all to see Monday night.

Tonight's documentary will air on Maryland Public Television at 9 pm.

If you miss it, it will be on again on Jan. 5th, and Jan. 14th.