Brooklyn based Caribbean comedian Majah Hype, who’s real name is Colin Nigel McPherson, has served a niche market for years, crafting skits on social media that appeal to the English-speaking Caribbean community, both in the U.S. and abroad.
I’ve been following him for years so I was very disappointed to hear the latest news regarding his personal life.
McPherson’s ex girlfriend, whose name is reportedly Latisha Kirby Farrell, according to Urban, jumped on Instagram Live yesterday to share a disturbing account of what her marriage with McPherson has been like for the past several years.
The short of it, is it hasn’t been easy. In fact Latisha, sometimes becoming tearful, described an abusive on-again, off-again relationship with him.
She began by apologizing to her family for pretending she wasn’t in trouble when she was.
“I am going to start this Live off with an apology to my family. I want to apologize to my mother, my son, to my sister, my niece, to my friends. I detached myself from people that loved me the most for a long time. What I’ve been going through, the average person doesn’t go through that in their whole lifetime. And I’ve been keeping it a secret for a long, long time. Hiding abuse is a full time job. You have to detach yourself from your loved ones so they don’t know… I protected someone that abused me for a long time. Tonight is about my healing. Tonight is about me taking my power back and no longer protecting the person that has been abusing me. I’m ashamed because I let it go on way longer than it should have. I’m ashamed of myself because I went back so many times. All the reasons that I went back, it wasn’t good enough. They weren’t good reasons. I went back because I was proving that I loved you, or I loved the kids. Or just trying to prove people wrong, that I’m not a golddigger, that I really am here for you.
But all of that stops now. The lies, the protecting people, it stops now…Tonight is about me getting to a better place and it starts with me being honest with myself and the people around me…
The bashing and slandering of my name, people inboxing me and telling me that I really didn’t love the person, I was there for this and that reason. Every time I left it was for a damn good reason. Imagine having to hide your bruises and being battered from your family. Imagine, after being abused and assaulted, you have to console the person that hurt you because now they’re distraught. They want to harm themselves. So you don’t even have the chance to heal, you don’t have the chance to be upset. Imagine going through all of those things and then you still have to have sex. You’re still expected to be delightful like there’s nothing wrong with you when your face is unrecognizable. Imagine letting people know what’s going on with you and their first question is, ‘Well, what did you do?’ As if there was anything that I could have done to deserve that. That’s disgusting to me. That’s disgusting.
Because it didn’t happen to me once, twice, three times, four times. It happened too many times. So when you guys, the viewers and the fans think that you know me or what I’ve been through, have some respect for yourself. Have some respect as a woman, a mother, a father. I’m somebody’s mother and I didn’t deserve any of that so how dare you ask me what I did.”
Latisha denied accusations that she had been unfaithful to Majah Hype throughout the entirety of their relationship as people had suggested. And at one point, she spoke to the comedian directly for the actions he’d attempted to take against her.
“You have a huge platform and you think that you can just destroy me. But I’m taking my power back tonight. It stops tonight. The slandering of my name, the abuse.”
Latisha shared that moving forward, she does not want to speak about any of this again. Instead, she asked that people respect her and her story.
“I’m not going into hiding like I did last time. The last time that I left, it was a huge bashing on social media about me. We’re not doing that again because I know the truth and I know why I left every time that I did. So moving forward, I pray that you guys respect my process and my healing journey because I’ve been through a whole lot. And it’s a whole lot of things being said that’s not true. And this is the truth. This is what I’ve been going through. People think they can do whatever to you because they are powerful and they are popular and I’m just a regular Brooklyn girl and I’m not taking that anymore. The abuse stops tonight. I’m taking my power back tonight. And I’m on a journey of healing and I feel good. I feel stronger than I did in years.”
You can watch Latisha’s full comments in the post below.
Majah Hype has yet to address the situation directly but he did post a couple of Bible verses in his Instagram story.
John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Then he likened himself to be crucified like Christ.
Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself to me.”
Y’all know what it is when people bring God into their mess.
Classic deflection.