How To Use CBD Oil To Ease Your Anxiety.

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( Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring chemical extracted from the cannabis plant. Research suggests that CBD oil can be used as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive properties, so it won’t make you high. 

Learn more about CBD oil and how to use it to ease your anxiety below:

How Does CBD Oil Relieve Anxiety?

Three common types of anxiety disorders are Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Whether you are suffering from these or any other forms of anxiousness, CBD aids in managing the symptoms of anxiety, such as increased heart rate.

There is scientific evidence that CBD can significantly aid in anxiety-induced insomnia as well. CBD helps with the symptoms of PTSD, along with other medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. You can find quality CBD oil products for anxiety online and also study the best way to use them. In addition, CBD oil has other health benefits apart from relieving anxiety. 

Using CBD for Anxiety 

  1. Opt For CBD-Infused Products

Since CBD is edible, there are great options available, which are briefly discussed below: 

  • CBD Oil: CBD is infused in carrier oils like coconut oil. However, CBD oil has an after-taste of “weed”, which is why there are great varieties of flavors available.
  • CBD Vape: Vape-pens or e-cigarettes have CBD infused cartridges that can be used to relieve anxiety.
  • Gummies: CBD infused-gummies come in 5mg or 10mg concentration per piece. Depending on the dosage, you can consume as many as you like.
  • Tinctures: Tinctures have alcohol infused with CBD extract. It is edible and a high concentration can be administered directly under the tongue. 
  1. Assess The Quality Of CBD Oil

Here are some factors that can help you differentiate high-quality CBD oil from a low-quality product:

    • No THC: THC has psychoactive properties that contribute to the feeling of getting “high” in cannabis. That is why CBD oil containing less than 0.3% THC is recommended. The Cheef Botanicals official website offers this information for their products so that buyers are immediately informed. 


  • Broad Or Full-Spectrum: Full-spectrum products have all the naturally occurring compounds that aid CBD’s effectiveness, since CBD has over 400 types of variants that catalyze its benefits.
  • Third-Party Lab Testing: High-quality CBD products have third-party lab testing details on their websites. Lab testing or a certified analysis will ensure that the CBD has all the components that make it a high-quality product. 
  • Nano-Emulsion: The size of the molecule plays a significant role in its bioavailability. Bioavailability ensures the absorption is effective. Moreover, the nano size of the emulsion is of higher quality compared to the rest. 
  • Source: The cannabis plant can absorb toxins. External factors such as pH, weather, fertilizer, and soils can play a significant role in the quality of the CBD products. Plants growing in fertile soil will produce oil that has a higher quality.


  • Extraction: The pharmaceutical-grade ethanol extraction process and CO2 extraction remove toxins from the CBD filtrate, contributing to a pure final product. 
  1. Get The Right Dosage

Dosage is vital to fully utilizing the medicinal benefits of CBD oil. Some of the contributing factors that help in determining the dosage of CBD oil are as follows:

  • Body weight
  • Severity of condition
  • Chemistry of the body
  • Concentration of CBD

It is always recommended to consult your physician before self-administering CBD products. CBD oil can pose some side effects if the dosage is not calculated correctly. To begin with, a small dosage should be taken, which should be gradually increased by increments of 5mg. However, for beginners, a dosage of 20mg to 40mg is recommended.

When calculating for the right dosage, consider if you have health conditions. For severe pain, you can start with 40mg and then increase by 5mg each week if no adverse side effects are observed. Moreover, most products have a detailed description of the product’s concentration per drop, per gummy, or per capsule. Consider the two examples below:

  • If a 10ml bottle of CBD oil has a 1000mg concentration, it would contain around 200 drops. Each drop would have a 5mg concentration. So, for a dose of 20mg, you can take 4 drops.
  • If there is a 15ml bottle of CBD oil with a 3000mg concentration, it would contain around 300 drops. Each drop would have a 10mg concentration. So, for a dose of 20mg, you can take 2 drops. 

Carefully read about the quantity of the CBD oil and the concentration of CBD before administering it. 

In Conclusion

CBD oil has been proven to relieve anxiety and its related symptoms. In conjunction with allopathic medicines and other anxiety-relieving treatments, CBD oil can be used for added benefits. Since CBD oil has many health advantages, it can help you in various other ways as well. 

Staff Writer; Lou Jackson