“Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.”
– Psalm 126:5
Psalm 126 describes an interesting process that goes against our natural tendencies when we are taken into a difficult period in our lives.
Whenever we are hurled into a crisis that brings tears, our tendency is to retreat or recoil in fear and hurt. However, there is a better way that God tells us to handle such times of travail.

Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. “He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:5-6).
God is telling us that if we will do what is unnatural for us in these circumstances, He will make sure that what we sow in tears will return in joy.
This is one of the most important lessons people have learned when faced with difficult circumstances.
Rather than sit back and allow self-pity and discouragement to consume us, we should plant seed during this time. Reach out to a person who needs a friend.
Invest in the life of another. See where you can be a blessing to someone. Give of yourself.
The psalmist acknowledges that we are doing this while we are in our pain. However, during this time we are to sow seed.
That seed will return to us in another form. Here is what will happen when we do this. “He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.”
We will receive joy and fruit from the seed that we plant during this time. Sheaves represent the fruit of a harvest. We will actually get a harvest from this seed.
“You must not let the circumstances destroy you! Too many in the Kingdom are counting on you to come through this because of the calling on your life!”
Those were the words spoken to me by a friend one time when I was in the midst of a very difficult personal circumstance that was threatening to destroy me emotionally.
This person saw what God was doing and the fruit that God wanted to bring from these circumstances. Sometimes we need others around us to push us through the difficult times.
If you find yourself in a difficult place today, see where you can sow some seed. Soon you will be reaping songs of joy.
Talk to God and tell Him that some people in this world are looking for real faith. Some of them place that faith in the wrong god, whether a false god or material things or a person.
Pray for everyone in the world, for those in their own “Jerusalem,” and in their own family. Pray that God would use you and your life experiences as an instrument to demonstrate real faith to the unbelieving.
Ask God to give you opportunities to share your faith experiences and give you the words to say to influence those who need it.
Ask God to speak through you and to work through you, as His servant. Tell God that you love Him in the precious name of Jesus.