Kenya: Mdd's Manyara Clarifies Role in Azimio Public Forum

8 February 2023

Nairobi — Movement for Defense and Democracy Founder Antony Manyara has refuted claims that the outfit is an outlawed group with the objective of disrupting public order.

Speaking in an interview with Capital FM News, Manyara explained that the outfit which was launched by Azimio La Umoja Coalition Leader Raila Odinga during last Sunday's Public Consultative Forum held in Kibra a rebel group has a two-point agenda.

He clarified the movement provides the youth with a platform created to fight for electoral reforms and pressure the Government to step up efforts to improve the cost of living.

Speculations have been rife on social media with some users claiming that the Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki had banned the MDD from wearing the red beret and military regalia.

The Youth Resistance Movement is advocating for the rights of students in universities and lessening the burden of loans from Kenyans, especially the youth by eliminating initiatives made by the government such as the Hustler Fund.

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