
WATCH | Small group gather on Constitution Hill to protest the Hani killer parole

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  • A small group of unions and politicians gathered outside the ConCourt to protest the release of Janusz Walus.
  • Walus served 29 years for the murder of Chris Hani in April 1993.
  • The unions and politicians want Walus to show remorse and tell them who was considering to kill Hani, and they want him to remain in SA.

Around 50 people gathered on Constitution Hill on Saturday to protest the parole of Chris Hani's killer, Janusz Walus.

Many were elderly men and women who had been camping at the Constitutional Court wanting the promised compensation for their children killed in the struggle against apartheid.

On Saturday leaders from the SACP, COSATU, MKMVA and the ANC said the release of the man who killed Chris Hani about 29 years ago was against the conditions of his imprisonment.

They say he was to remain in prison without parole.

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi is leading the campaign to keep Walus in prison.

FIRST TAKE | Walus court picket: Has the ANC finally lost its mind (and ability to lead)?

"Parole is not a right, it is a privilege, and we are gathered here to express our dissatisfaction.

"[Walus] must know he has angered us and he must never leave that jail in peace."

Lesufi said protesters would be there when he was released.

SACP general secretary Solly Mapaila was less lenient.

"We don't want Janusz Walus to go to Poland. For two reasons: It will not reinforce his parole conditions [that he is not to be paroled] if he goes back. Second, there is a right-wing group in Poland who have made him a hero.

 Janus Walus
The national democratic revolutionary Alliance (the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions) on Saturday 26 November 2022 held a picket outside the Constitutional Court. They are unhappy with the court's ruling to grant Janus Walus, Chris Hani's assassin, parole.
News24Alfonso Nqunjana, News24
 Janus Walus
The national democratic revolutionary Alliance (the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions) on Saturday 26 November 2022 held a picket outside the Constitutional Court. They are unhappy with the court's ruling to grant Janus Walus, Chris Hani's assassin, parole.
News24Alfonso Nqunjana, News24
 Janus Walus
The national democratic revolutionary Alliance (the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions) on Saturday 26 November 2022 held a picket outside the Constitutional Court. They are unhappy with the court's ruling to grant Janus Walus, Chris Hani's assassin, parole.
News24 Alfonso Nqunjana, News24

"We are prioritising the release of Walus over the victims of apartheid," he said in part referring to the protesters comping outside the building.

"We're not here against the Constitution, we're not here to condemn the judiciary. But the law is not supreme, it's man-made.

"The judgement in several respects affirms the apartheid era justifications."

He said the judgement should have done more to address the Hani family and that the decision to parole Walus essentially killed Hani a second time.

He said Saturday was the beginning of a rolling mass action which would continue until the 30th anniversary of Hani's death in April.

READ | Janusz Walus parole: ANC, alliance partners to picket against Constitutional Court decision

The unions are planning to fight the Constitutional Court ruling.

"Janusz Walus will never leave, we want him here to account for what he has done. We want stricter measures for parole.

"He must tell the truth and he must show remorse."

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