Submitted by Elizabeth Oakes

Dear Editor,

For far too long, inequity has corrupted our democracy. It is time for all Americans to stand up and demand an expansion of voting rights, limits to big money in politics and accountability by ending gerrymandering. This is why I support the For The People Act.

The For The People Act recently passed in the House of Representatives. It provides important reform in our electoral processes. At its core, the bill provides much-needed action on redistricting, ethics reform, campaign finance and voting rights.

We need a government that’s fair. Where representatives listen to their constituents. The For the People Act would help make that a reality. I believe it’s crucial to restore accountability in our democracy. I support this bill because it would provide much-needed democracy reform.

I strongly urge the Senate to follow the House’s lead to pass this bill. With Mitch McConnell in the minority, he can no longer block this bill by himself. Now is the time to reshape our democracy into one that is truly of, for, and by the people. That is why I’m asking my fellow citizens to contact their Senators and demand they vote “Yes” on the For The People Act.

Elizabeth Oakes
Maryland resident

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