Woman killed, two men wounded in Port of Spain shooting

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Homicide Investigators are trying to establish a motive for a shooting that led to the death of a woman and the wounding of two men on Wednesday afternoon.

Police said Tamesha Laberry, 39, was liming with two men,29 and 52, outside a shop on Belgrade Street, Port of Spain, at around 4.10 pm when they were shot at by men in a white Nissan AD Wagon.

People who were liming nearby ran away after hearing the gunshots, but returned, saw Laberry and the two men bleeding and called the police.

Officers of the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF) took Laberry and the men to the hospital, where she was declared dead.

The 52-year-old man was shot in his left arm and the 29-year-old man was hit in his right knee and right arm.

Police from the Port of Spain Task Force, Besson Street CID and the Homicide Bureau of Investigations Region I visited the area.

Up to Thursday morning one officer said they had no information to suggest why Laberry or the men were targeted.

"The woman is a security guard. Usually after work she just talks with the people in the area outside the shop before heading up the road home.

"We don't know why this was done. Sometimes we ourselves buy food at the same shop to support the community business. This was just foolishness."

The officer also lamented the difficulty the police had in getting information from witnesses or victims in the area about crime.

"East Port of Spain is one of the hardest places to get information from people. Residents and businesspeople alike, if they get shoot today, by tomorrow they're changing their minds on whether to give information."


"Woman killed, two men wounded in Port of Spain shooting"

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