Black People Quiz and Trivia: How Well Do You Know Them?

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( Most of the time, black people are being stereotyped by white ones. There are being teased and often the topic when it comes to racism and discrimination. But on a positive note, there are a lot of talented black people who made a name in various industries, not to mention the historical events of the African-American people.

Get Out, a horror film released in 2017, shows a hint about black people – they are strong and smart. The thought-provoking twists in the film open the eyes of many people which is somehow true. Black people have potential, and yet many of them are being discriminated against just because they are black. 

2021 Black People Quiz and Trivia

Check out this black people quiz to see how well you know them:


  1. In February 1837, which University is named as the first black college in America?


  1. Wilberforce University
  2. Cheyney University
  3. Wiley College
  4. Howard University


  1. Name the famous baseball player who said, “Today’s black athletes had no idea what we have to endure”.


  1. Ernie Banks
  2. Josh Gibson
  3. Larry Doby
  4. Hank Aaron


  1. Who was the jazz and swing music singer that popularized the song What a Little Moonlight Can Do?


  1. Teddy Wilson
  2. Melanie Scholtz
  3. Billie Holiday
  4. Letta Mbulu


  1. Who was the first African-American to win an award in Hollywood?


  1. Halle Berry
  2. Hattie McDaniel 
  3. Viola Davis
  4. Jennifer Hudson


  1. What is the title of the first movie of African-American film director Oscar Micheaux?


  1. The Girl from Chicago
  2. The Homesteader
  3. Swing
  4. The Symbol of the Conquered


  1. What is the first published novel by African-American novelist and playwright William Wells Brown?

  2. Beloved
  3. Native Son
  4. Black Boy
  5. Clotel

Did you get all the answers right in this black people quiz? There’s still a lot of things you should know about black people and it is worth celebrating all of these. Let’s see if you got a perfect score.

  1. Answer: b. Cheyney University

Founded in 1837, Cheyney University is known to be the first historically black institute. It was established in Cheyney, Pennsylvania, and now offers a variety of courses to continue building its legacy and innovate the educational system.

  1. Answer: a. Ernie Banks

Ernie Banks, also known as Mr. Sunshine and Mr. Cub was a professional baseball player who became the regular first baseman for the Cubs. He was also considered to be one of the greatest players, yet endured the hardships and racial discrimination that happened during his times. He is one of the black people who proved to them that regardless of their race and color, they can leave a legacy in the sports industry. 

  1. Answer: c. Billie Holiday

Eleanora Fagan in real life, Billie Holiday won 5 Grammy Awards and was one of the most influential jazz artists of all time. Billie was nominated into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and popularized the songs “My Man”, “God Bless This Child”, and “Fine and Mellow”.

  1. Answer: b. Hattie McDaniel 

Another black actress who encountered racial discrimination, Hattie McDaniel might not be able to attend the premiere of the movie Gone with the Wind in 1939 but proved her acting skills as she became the first African American to win an Oscar for her role Mammy. Apart from acting, she has also written songs and became a friend of many popular actors like Shirley Temple, Joan Crawford, and Ronald Reagan. 

  1. Answer: b. The Homesteader

Inspired by his experiences, film director Oscar Micheaux turned his novel The Homesteader into a movie. The story revolved around six principal characters, being led by Jean Baptiste, an African-American man who fell in love with a white girl. This first full-length movie by a black director that is a combination of love and drama is now a lost film.

  1. Answer: D. Clotel

Clotel, also known as The President’s Daughter, was the first published novel written by William Wells Brown. The story includes eye-opening plots where Currer’s daughters Clotel and Althesa are sold as slaves. In the 1860s, William Wells Brown three variations of the novel but did not change the roles of the African-American women in the story. 

Staff Writer; Ellie Carter