Uganda: Even When He Opposed Us, Ssemogerere Was Not Disruptive, Says Museveni

22 November 2022

President Museveni has hailed former Democratic Party president and two-time presidential candidate, Dr. Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere for the role he played in the development of the country.

Ssemogerere who died on Friday at the age of 90 was buried yesterday, Monday Nkumba Bufulu, in Wakiso District.


In his condolence message, Museveni said starting with 1960, he became a very active DP youth winger and later at Ntare school, he joined with UPC youth including Eriya Kategaya to form a new line of thinking along the lines of patriotism, Pan Africanism, social economic transformation and democracy.

He however said that despite the evolution of their thinking by 1966, they still appreciated the straightforwardness of DP.

"Therefore, in spite of our evolving thinking, in 1966, working with John Kawanga who was our roommate and classmate at Ntare, I came to the DP headquarters and invited Paulo Ssemogerere to come to the school and talk to us," Museveni said.


According to the president, even when they went to the bush after the controversial 1980 elections, they remained on good terms with DP that after the war, several other parties including Ssemogerere's Democratic Party were invited to join the unity government.

Ssemogerere who had led the Democratic Party in the contested 1980 general election won by Milton Obote's UPC party would later serve as Internal Affairs Minister for two years between 1986 and 1986 in Museveni's government.

Later in 1996, Ssemogerere would stand against Museveni in the general election won by the latter.

Commenting about the events surrounding that period, Museveni hailed Ssemogerere and other members who served in his unity government for their service to the country.

"Even when the DP chose not to remain in the unity cabinet as the 1996 general elections were approaching, a move that much saddened us, they never became disruptive or subversive. I salute them for their contribution to the stability of the country on account of that responsible behaviour," Museveni said.

The president also commented about the recent agreement between the ruling party and Democratic Party as well as UPC ,describing it as responsible behaviour.

"It is, therefore, a pity that our compatriot, Mzee Ssemogerere left us at this time. Although 90 years old, he still had a lot he could have contributed. "

According to Museveni, the ruling NRM is always ready to dialogue with other political forces on the whole spectrum of philosophy, ideology and strategy of politics in Africa, Uganda and the World.

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